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[PDF] 2019 Key Stage 1 Year 2 - English Grammar Punctuation and Spelling Papers 1 2 Mark Schemes.pdf | Plain Text

English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes Paper 1: spelling Paper 2: questions 2019 national curriculum tests Key stage 1

Page 2 of 16 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Structure of the test 3 3. Content domain coverage 3 4. Internal moderation procedures 3 5. Paper 1: spelling 4 5.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 1: spelling 4 5.2 General marking guidance for Paper 1: spelling 4 5.3 Pupil version of Paper 1: spelling 5 6. Mark schemes for Paper 1: spelling 6 7. Paper 2: questions 7 7.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 2: questions 7 7.2 General marking guidance for Paper 2: questions 8 7.3 Explanation of the mark schemes for Paper 2: questions 10 8. Mark schemes for Paper 2: questions 11 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 3 of 16 1. Introduction The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is responsible for the development and delivery of national tests and assessments. STA is an executive agency of the Department for Education. The 2019 tests assess the national curriculum. This test has been develo\ ped to meet the speci cation set out in the test framework 1 for English grammar, punctuation and spelling at key stage 1. This key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test is not statutory. The key stage 1 tests can be marked internally within schools to inform teacher assessment. The evidence from the test can be used to help inform teacher assessment of writing. A new test and new mark schemes will be produced each year. Scaled score conversion tables are not included in this document. Conversion tables will be produced as part of the standards maintenance process. Scaled score conversion tables 2 for the 2019 tests will be published in June 2019. The mark schemes are provided to use when marking pupils’ responses. The pupil examples are based on responses gathered from the test trialling process. 2. Structure of the test The key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test materials comprise: • Paper 1: spelling (20 marks) • Paper 2: questions (20 marks). 3. Content domain coverage The 2019 test meets the speci cation in the test framework. Tables 1 and 2 set out the areas of the content domain that are assessed in Papers 1 and 2. 4. Internal moderation procedures We recommend those who are involved in marking the key stage 1 tests undertake moderation activity to ensure marking is consistent across their school. 1 spelling-test-framework 2 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 4 of 16 5. Paper 1: spelling 5.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 1: spelling This information is provided in the mark schemes in Table 1. 5.2 General marking guidance for Paper 1: spelling The following guidance applies to all questions in Paper 1. Please read this carefully before applying the individual mark schemes. • If a pupil makes more than one attempt, it must be clear which answer the pupil wishes to be marked. • If a pupil makes two or more attempts and it is not clear which answer should be considered, the mark is not awarded. • Pupils can answer in upper or lower case, or a mixture of the two. The exception to this is for days of the week, which must be written with an initial c\ apital letter for the mark to be awarded. • If a pupil has answered with the correct sequence of letters but has incorrectly inserted an apostrophe or a hyphen, the mark is not awarded. • If a pupil has answered with the correct sequence of letters but these have been separated into clearly divided components, with or without a hyphen, the\ mark is not awarded. • If a pupil uses a reversed letter, it must be unambiguous for the award of the mark. Markers may refer to the pupil’s handwriting in the rest of the paper to decide whether or not the letter is ambiguous. • Crossed-out answers that have not been replaced by a further attempt should not be awarded the mark. 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 5 of 16 5.3 Pupil version of Paper 1: spelling Page 3 of 4 11. There was a spare  12. The detective found a  13. That was a    14. \be will    15. They went the  16. Remember to    17. Coins are made out of  18. In maths, we learnt\v what a  19. The audience    20. Our teacher tells u\vs the  End of spelling test Page 2 of 4 Spelling P. We always  1. The display is on t\dhe  2. Amar  \b 3. Matt ate a slice o\df  4. Amy moved the  5. My little \b \  6. My friend has very long  7. What is all the \b 8. My co\bsin is saving\d \bp to  9. Please read that story  10. The  \b  2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 6 of 16 6. Mark schemes for Paper 1: spelling Information relating to the content domain reference codes can be found in the key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test framework. Table 1: Mark schemes and content domain references for Paper 1 Qu.Spelling M. Primary content domain reference Secondary content domain reference 1 wall 1 S27 – the /ɔ:/ sound spelt a before l and ll 2gave 1 S4 – the /v/ sound at the end of words 3bread 1 S8 – vowel digraphs and trigraphs S36 – homophones and near-homophones 4boxes 1 S5 – adding -s and -es to words (plural of nouns and the third-person singular of verbs) 5 brother 1 S28 – the /ʌ/ sound spelt o 6hair 1 S8 – vowel digraphs and trigraphs S36 – homophones and near-homophones 7fuss 1 S1 – the sounds /f/, /l/, /s/, /z/ and /k/ spelt ff, ll, ss, zz and ck 8buy 1 S36 – homophones and near-homophones 9again 1 S37 – common exception words 10mice 1 S15 – the /s/ sound spelt c before e, i and y 11seat 1 S8 – vowel digraphs and trigraphs 12footprint 1 S12 – compound words S8 – vowel digraphs and trigraphs 13scary 1 S25 – adding the endings -ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y to words ending in -e with a consonant before it 14 change 1 S14!–!the!/dʒ/!sound spelt as!-ge!and!-dge!at the end of words, and sometimes spelt as!g!elsewhere in words before!e,!i!and!y 15 wrong 1 S17 – the /r/ sound spelt wr at the beginning of words 16switch 1 S3!–!-tch 17metal 1 S20 – the /l/ or /əl/ sound spelt -al at the end of words 18fraction 1 S35!–!words ending in!-tion 19clapped 1 S26 – adding -ing, -ed, -e r, -est and -y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant letter after a single vowel letter 20 funniest 1 S24 – adding -ed, -ing, -er and -est to a root word ending in -y with a consonant before it Total marks 20 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 7 of 16 7. Paper 2: questions 7.1 Content domain coverage for Paper 2: questions Table 2 sets out the content domain coverage for Paper 2. Information relating to these codes can be found in the key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test framework. Table 2: Content domain coverage for Paper 2 G1G2G3G4G5G6 Grammatical terms / word classes Functions of sentences Combining words, phrases and clausesVerb tenses and consistency Punctuation Vocabulary 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 1 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 8 of 16 7.2 General marking guidance for Paper 2: questions To ensure consistency of marking, the most frequent procedural queries are listed in Table 3, along with the action you should take. The following guidance applies to\ all questions in Paper 2. Please read this carefully before applying the individual mark schemes. Table 3: General marking principles for Paper 2 Question type AcceptDo not accept Tick boxes and tables • any unambiguous indication of the correct answer, e.g. • the box is crossed rather than ticked • the correct answer is circled rather than ticked • correct answers that replace a crossed-out attempt • answers in which more than the required number of boxes have been ticked Circling of the answer • any unambiguous indication of the correct answer, e.g. • the answer is underlined • the answer is enclosed within a box • answers in which more than the required number of words have been circled • answers in which the correct answer is circled, together with more than half of any surrounding words Drawing lines to ‘match’ boxes • lines that do not touch the boxes, provided the intention is clear • multiple lines drawn to/from the same box (unless this is a question requirement) Writing or inserting punctuation • correctly formed punctuation that is clear, unambiguous and recognisable as the required punctuation mark • punctuation that is ambiguous, e.g. it is unclear whether the mark is a comma or full stop 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 9 of 16 Question typeAcceptDo not accept Additional punctuation • answers that are punctuated correctly according to the mark scheme, even if additional punctuation has been attempted incorrectly Pupils may try to use inverted commas around spoken words. This is beyond the key stage 1 programme of study and should not be taken into account when considering whether the answer is correct according to the mark scheme. • answers that do not meet the mark scheme criteria Spelling (in Paper 2 only) • incorrect spellings of the correct answer, unless speci c mark scheme guidance is given to require a correct spelling • incorrect spellings of answers for which the mark scheme requires correct spelling For questions assessing contracted forms, verb forms, plurals, pre xes and suf xes, correct spelling is generally required. Answers outside the expected space • a correct answer given somewhere other than the answer space, provided it is not contradicted by another answer written elsewhere • correct answers that are written in the ‘blank’ within a question, rather than in the expected space below it • correct answers in which the pupil has written out a word or sentence that is already provided • answers that are given outside the expected space and are contradicted by another answer written elsewhere More than one answer given • multiple answers that are all correct according to the mark scheme • both correct and incorrect responses given 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 10 of 16 Question typeAcceptDo not accept Handwriting • answers that are clear, unambiguous and recognisable, including letters that have been reversed, but which are still clearly identi able to the marker • answers that are unclear or ambiguous Capital letters • capital letters that are clear and unambiguous Where letters do not have unique capital letter forms, the height of the capital letter will be the same as, or greater than, that of letters with ascenders. Markers may refer to the pupil’s handwriting in the rest of the paper to distinguish between upper and lower case letters. • answers in which capital letters are omitted or placed inappropriately in a sentence, or where an entire word is capitalised Where a pupil needs to write, rewrite or complete a sentence, the correct use of capital letters is required. Crossed-out answers • correct answers that replace a crossed-out attempt • crossed-out answers 7.3 Explanation of the mark schemes for Paper 2: questions Those marking the tests should familiarise themselves with the marking g\ uidance in section 7.2 of this document before applying the mark schemes. The practice questions are not marked as they are completed by the pupils together with the test administrator as an introduction to the test. The mark schemes contain the following information for each question: • the question number • the question from the test paper • what is required to answer each question – either a correct answer or examples of different types of creditworthy response • how many marks are available for this question • any additional guidance that may be relevant. 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 11 of 16 8. Mark schemes for Paper 2: questions Qu.Requirement Mark 1 Draw lines to join two words that can become one word. One has been done for you. Award 1 mark for all three lines correctly drawn. Word 1 Word 2 white ship rain board tooth coat space paste 1m 2 The sentences below have their punctuation marks covered. Which sentence is a question? Award 1 mark for the correct box ticked. I have nished my puzzle Find me a new puzzle Where is my puzzle ✓ What a tricky puzzle this is Also accept an unambiguous indication of the answer, e.g. a question mark inserted at the end of the sentence. 1m 3 Tick the correct word to complete the sentence below. We!will!go!cycling _________________ we!arrive!home!in!time. Award 1 mark for the correct box ticked. that or but if ✓ Additional guidance: • If a box is ticked and an answer is written on the line, mark only the response in the box. 1m 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 12 of 16 Qu.Requirement Mark 4 Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Award 1 mark for the correct box ticked. There are some foxes living in the woods there are some foxes living in the woods There are some foxes living in the woods. ✓ there are some foxes living in the woods. 1m 5 Which word can have the letters un in front of it to make another word? Award 1 mark for the correct box ticked. tie ✓ big hot sit 1m 6 Circle one word in the sentence below that can be replaced with the word but. Award 1 mark for the correct word identi ed. Paul!and!Anil!went!to!music!club!and!Joe!went!home. Also award the mark for but written above or below the word and. 1m 7 Add one exclamation mark in the correct place below. Award 1 mark for an exclamation mark after amazing. Our!school!play!was!amazing!!I!loved!the!costumes. 1m 8 Rewrite the verb in the box to complete the sentence in the correct tense. Award 1 mark for the correct verb inserted. Emily ran to!school!and!met!Li!at!the!gate. Do not accept misspellings of the verb. 1m 9 Tick the sentence with the correct punctuation. Award 1 mark for the correct box ticked. We saw sheep cows, and birds on our walk. We saw sheep, cows and birds on our walk. ✓ We saw sheep cows and birds, on our walk. We saw, sheep cows and birds on our walk. 1m run 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 13 of 16 Qu.Requirement Mark 10 Circle the two adjectives in the sentence below. Award 1 mark for the two correct words identi ed. The!new!supermarket!is!the!biggest!in!town. 1m 11 Which sentence needs one more capital letter? Award 1 mark for the correct box ticked. They moved house last March. They live in a city called Chester. Their friend is called ben Edwards. ✓ Their school play is on Tuesday. 1m 12 Circle the noun in the sentence below. Award 1 mark for the correct word identi ed. The!talented!dancer!moved!gracefully. 1m 13 What type of word is flew in the sentence below? The!green!parrot!flew!to!the!top!of!the!tree. Award 1 mark for the correct box ticked. an adjective a noun an adverb a verb ✓ 1m 14 Add one question mark and one full stop in the correct places below. Award 1 mark for a question mark after yet and a full stop after oat. Can!you!swim!yet?!Tom!can!swim!without!a! oat. Do not accept the insertion of additional punctuation. 1m 15 Add a suf x to the word light in the sentence below to make an adverb. Award 1 mark for the letters ly written in lower case. It!was!raining!light ly at!playtime!today. Also award the mark for lightly written out in full and spelt correctly. 1m 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 14 of 16 Qu.Requirement Mark 16 Use only the words in the box below to write a statement. ower thegrow will Remember to use correct punctuation. Award 2 marks for a grammatically correct statement using only the words given with correct punctuation (see additional guidance), e.g. • The! ower!will!grow. • The! ower!will!grow! • The! ower!will!grow… Also award 2 marks!for a grammatically correct statement with variations in suf xes or determiners with correct punctuation, e.g. • The! owers!will!grow. • Will!grows!the! ower. Award 1 mark!for a grammatically correct statement using only the words given with incorrect punctuation (see additional guidance), e.g. • The! ower!will!grow • The! ower!will!grow? • The!Flower!will!grow! Also award 1 mark!for a grammatically correct statement with variations in suf xes or determiners with incorrect punctuation, e.g.! • the! owers!will!grow Do not accept!other sentence types, e.g. • Will!the! ower!grow? • Grow!the! ower,!Will! Additional guidance: • Correct punctuation refers to correct use of sentence demarcation in the sentence – other incorrect or omitted punctuation should not be penalised. • Incorrect spelling should not be penalised, unless a misspelling creates a grammatically incorrect sentence, e.g. The! ower!will!grows. • Attempts to punctuate the whole sentence as direct speech should not be penalised. Up to 2m 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

Page 15 of 16 Qu.Requirement Mark 17 Circle the correct option in each box to complete the sentences. Award 1 mark for all three correct words identi ed. ! ! going on a treasure hunt. Shall we start looking for clues clue’s ? team found the treasure rst. 1m 18 Write one verb to complete the sentence below. Fred!is _________________ to!the!teacher. Award 1 mark for a plausible present participle written in lower case, e.g. • Fred!is!talking!to!the!teacher. • Fred!is!listening!to!the!teacher. • Fred!is!running!to!the!teacher. Also award 1 mark for a plausible past participle written in lower case, e.g. • Fred!is taken to!the!teacher. • Fred!is sent to!the!teacher. Also award 1 mark for a plausible phrasal verb written in lower case, e.g. • Fred!is!showing!off!to!the!teacher. Do not accept misspellings of the verb. Do not accept another word class written, e.g. • Fred!is next to!the!teacher. • Fred!is polite to!the!teacher. Additional guidance: • Markers are encouraged to credit imaginative interpretations of the prompt, e.g. Fred!is flying to!the!teacher. 1m 19 Tick to show whether each sentence is in the past tense or the present tense. Award 1 mark for all three correct. Sentence Past tensePresent tense Samir!enjoys!cooking. ✓ Eva!laughed!at!the!joke. ✓ Poppy!caught!the!ball. ✓ 1m We re We’re Robs Rob’s Page 15 of 16 2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes

2019 key stage 1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test mark schemes Paper 1: spelling and Paper 2: questions Electronic PDF version product code: STA/19/8206/e ISBN: 978-1-78957-021-2 For more copies Printed copies of this booklet are not available. It can be downloaded from during May 2019, or afterwards from © Crown copyright 2019 Re-use of Crown copyright in test materials Subject to the exceptions listed below, the test materials on this website are Crown copyright and you may re-use them (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 which can be found on the National Archives website and accessed via the following link: When you use this information under the Open Government Licence v3.0, you should include the following attribution: ‘Co\ ntains material developed by the Standards and Testing Agency for 2019 national curriculum assessments and licensed under Open Government Licence v3.0’ and where possible provide a link to the licence. Exceptions – third-party copyright content in test materials You must obtain permission from the relevant copyright owners, as listed in the ‘2019 key stage 1 tests copyright report’, for re-use of any third-party copyright content which we have identi ed in the test materia\ ls, as listed below. Alternatively, you should remove the unlicensed third-party copyright content and/or replace it with appropriately licensed material. Third-party content These materials contain no third-party copyright content. If you have any queries regarding these test materials, contact the national curriculum assessments h\ elpline on 0300 303 3013 or email