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9 year 2010 Use 2B or HB pencil only © ACARA, on behalf of \bhe Minis\berial Council for Educa\bion, Early Childhood Developmen\b and You\bh Affairs, 2010. 0:40 Time available for s\buden\bs \bo comple\be \bes\b: 40 minu\bes SeSSION 2 n AT ion Al A ssEss ME nT p Rog RAM li TERACY A nD n UMERACY NUM eraCy NON- Cal CU lat Or

2 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 1 Seven cubes are joined to form t\hhe following object. \bhat will the shape lo\hok like from above? 2 The diagram shows th\he proportion of flights \hto different international regions for an airli\hne. Africa Asia North America Europe New Zealand One region makes up abou\ht 60% of the airline\h’s flights. \bhich region is it? Asia EuropeNorth America New Zealand 3 The first five triang\hular numbers are 1, 3, 6, 10 and 15. \bhat is the sixth tr\hiangular number? 15 192123 Shade one bubble.

3 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 4 Tanya recorded temperatures on a mountain o\hver four days. \bhich list gives four\h temperatures arranged in order from lowest to highest\h? 0 °C, −3 °C, 4 °C, −5 °C −3 °C, −5 °C, 0 °C, 4 °C −5 °C, 4 °C, −3 °C, 0 °C −5 °C, −3 °C, 0 °C, 4 °C 5 An airline calculate\hs the size of bags \husing this formula: size = length + de\Wpth + height The size limit for \hthe bags is 110 cm. \bhose bag is over th\he size limit? Passenger length \bcm) Depth \bcm)Height \bcm) Jake 304040 Mary 402045 sanjay 502030 Trudy 601045 6 Ryan bought these 4 i\htems. The total mass of R\hyan’s items is closest to 3 kg 4 kg 8 kg 9 kg height length depth Shade one bubble.

4 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 7 The picture shows a stone hea\hd. The picture is 3 cm high. The actual he\had is 60 cm high. \bhat scale is used i\hn the picture? 3 cm represents 20 cm 6 cm represents 30 cm 1 cm represents 2 cm 1 cm represents 20 cm 8 \bith the lid on, the \hmass of this box is\h 232 grams. \bith the lid off, the mass of the \hbox is 186 grams. \bhat is the mass of \hthe lid? 46 grams 56 grams144 grams 154 grams 9 A set of traffic light\hs is red for half the time\h, orange for 1 10 of the time and green for the rest of the time. For what fraction o\hf the time is the s\het of traffic lights \hgreen? 1 3 2 5 6 10 10 12 Shade one bubble.

5 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 10 A car is travelling north-east along Don Road. The car is about to\h turn right into Plu\hm Road. In which direction will the car \hbe travelling after it turns right? north-east south-west north-west south-east 11 John’s video game comes \hwith a pen. The width of the gam\he is 15 cm as shown. \bhich of these measu\hrements is closest t\ho the length of the pen\h? 5 cm 6 cm 9 cm 12 cm 12 \bhich metric unit wo\huld a builder use t\ho measure the volume of sand \hin a truck like this? cubic metres square metres cubic centimetres square centimetres 13 A closed shape has tw\ho parallel sides and\h two other sides of\h unequal length. \bhat is the shape? kite parallelogram rectangletrapezium Don Rd Plum Rd pen game length 15  cm Shade one bubble.

6 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 14 The table shows how \hthe size of compute\hr memory chips has \h changed over time. y ear 198919941999200420092014 Size \bkilobytes) 16 642561024 4096 ? Using this data, what is the best e\hstimate for the siz\he in kilobytes of a computer chip in 2014? 5000 kilobytes 8000 kilobytes 16 000 kilobytes 32 000 kilobytes 15 \bhich of these is the\h longest distance? 0.1203 km 123 m 1230 cm 12 030 mm 16 This sign shows time\hs that a car can be\h parked for up to 1\h hour. At which of these ti\hmes is it permitte\hd to park for 2 hours? 11:00 am Thursday 4:00 pm Thursday 11:00 am Saturday 4:00 pm Saturday 17 Claire thinks of a numbe\hr, n. She multiplies the n\humber by itself. She then halves that \hanswer and subtrac\hts 10. \bhich expression shows what C\hlaire did? 2n – 10 2 2n2 – 10 n2 2 – 10 n2 – 10 2 Shade one bubble.

7 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 18 Jill lives in a street that runs directly north–south. Her house is north \hof the park and wes\ht of the school. High St Bank St Branch N L yceum St Sc hoo l Court house William St Bonnel St St Adam\b  St St Main Station St Park Car ver St To wn  hall \bhat street does Jill live i\hn? Adams St Bonnel StStation St Main St 19 P Q R S Only two of these n\hets form a closed r\hectangular prism. \bhich two nets are they? P and R P and Q Q and R R and S Shade one bubble.

8 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 20 In a gym class, 29 students took \hturns jumping. Pete recorded the height each s\htudent jumped. Heigh\b (cm) 3 2 4 4 1 5 6 5 2 4 4 8 9 6 1 1 3 4 5 6 \,6 8 9 7 2 2 5 7 8 8 3 5 5 9 1 2 \bhat is the median h\height? 63 cm 64 cm 65 cm 66 cm 21 In these expressions, p and q are positive whole nu\hmbers and r is a positive num\hber less than 1. \bhich expression gives the largest value? (p + q) × r (p + q) ÷ r (p – q) × r (p – q) ÷ r 22 A square field has an area of 4000 m 2. The length of one si\hde is between 20 m and 24 m. 40 m and 44 m. 60 m and 64 m. 200 m and 204 m. Key: 5 2 means 52 Shade one bubble.

9 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 23 Brisbane has the lat\hitude and longitude\h of 27° south, 153°\h east. 27° south 32° south 116° east 153° east Perth Brisbane A ship has a latitude\h and longitude that \his 10° north and 5° \hwest of Brisbane. \bhat is the position\h of the ship? 17° south, 148° east 17° south, 158° east 37° south, 148° east 37° south, 158° east 24 This diagram shows f\hour lengths of a rhombus of side lengt\hh b. h b W L \bhich equation must \hbe true? 2hb = LW 2hW = Lb hb = 2LWhW = 2Lb Shade one bubble.

10 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 25 The relationship between\h two variables x and y is shown in the ta\hble. x 0 –1 –2–3 y 13919 \bhich equation best \hdescribes the relationship between\h x and y ? y = 1 – 2x 2 y = 2x + 1 y = 2x 2 + 1y = 1 – 2x 26 The population of I\hndia is approximately 10 9 people. The population of M\hexico is approximately 10 8 people. Approximately how many \hmore people live in Ind\hia than Mexico? 10 million 90 million100 million 900 million 27 This Ferris wheel tu\hrns at a constant \hspeed. It takes 4 minutes\h to turn through a complete circle. \bhat angle does the F\herris wheel turn thr\hough in 90 seconds? ° 28 Ben has 2 identical\h pizzas. He cuts one pizza \hequally into 4 large slices. He then cuts the ot\hher pizza equally in\hto 8 small slices. A large slice weighs 32 gr\hams more than a small slice\h. \bhat is the mass of \hone whole pizza? grams Shade one bubble. Write your answer in the box.

11 © MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 NUMeraCy \bNON-CalCUlat Or) 29 The height of a door\h is 210 cm. Darren is 5 6 of the height of the\h door. \bhat is Darren’s height? cm 30 Alex collected some \heggs from his hens. Exactly 35% of the \heggs were brown. \bhat is the smallest \htotal number of eggs\h that he could have \hcollected? 31 Helen’s office has a secur\hity alarm. To turn it off Helen has to type\h her 4-digit code into t\hhis keypad. Helen’s code is 0051. Including Helen’s co\hde, how many different 4-digit codes are possible? 32 The total surface a\hrea of a cube is 600 cm 2. How long is an edge \hof the cube? cm St OP – eND Of teSt 1 4 7 2 5 8 03 6 9 Write your answer in the box.