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[PDF] Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint - Math (1112) April 2013 Paper 2 MS.pdf | Plain Text

ltilutfiililfrflilmilffiilililil] UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIOM! EXAMINAiIONS CEMTRE = E - 1112102 READ THESE INSIRUCTIONS FIRST Wdte lou C€ntre .umbe( €ndidaE nunber and Mme on all lhe wk you hand Wdte ln da* blue or black pen. 'as6tr s, g€Phs o' @qh so' kilq Do rct use siaples paper clips, h shlishlers, glro or @rcclion iuld. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY AARCODES. You shdrd show an your so*ing in the booklsl. rhe number ol ma*s is siven in b€ckets t I akhe .nd ol each q u€sion or pan Thelota number of lor lhis parer s 50. 10 I

t Ch(l@ a suitabl. n€bic unit to measurE e3ch oftte following rrffi1milu; 4b+ tt=39 tzl tL1 3 A csryel @sb $ 15 Pcr equ@ n€lre. Th€ deliv€ty cbdg. is $21 P.ter buys , squarc mlrcs Tick (/) 0E exprcssion whicb reprcsents the total cosl in $. n T n n 21(r+ 15) l5(r+21) l5a + 2l 2ln + 15 trl

ilfliltilffiililmilililillllll 3 4 The chad shows the Dumber of utrits ofeleticrty Produced @h dav of the w@k. l8 l6 t4 12 l0 8 5 4 2 0 Over the sven days shown (r) Calculate lhe toral number of onits Prcduced. [] (b) Calculare rhe mean number orunits Prcduc.d pet day. Ill rr*"""c

ltnmilmilmilffi 5 The iable shos6 hourly 6t€s of!'ay in t hctory Nteht $7.20 p€r hour 5E.E0 per hour Smjit mrks for 6 hom duing the day on Monday and for 5 hours on Tuesd.v riSht Cltdl.te how much noney Sanjil ffis altogelhd. A cnboid hs dimsioB 8 cm. 5 cm md 14 cm. Find the volnme ofthe cuboid. ' t2l NOT TO SCALE ,l_ I .5 c!rl3 lrl

7.-: ------.--I:-- lmilnmilffififfitil 5 7 A teachd asks sll the studmls itr hd class to wile dom o tlg€tmic qpr*ion Julie erites down this expr€ssionl 4n-S The expesion thar Jim vriles doM isl 2n+14 what value of, makes th€ v.lue ofJulie exprcsion equtl 1o the value ofJim's Vou mut show your wo*ing I2l 8 Pupils in GFde 7 and GEde s can s\dv eithd AEbic, Spanish or Mdddrin Complete the two way t ble. 'Spmbh ll l9 11 50 120 t2l Ir.-."::l

lmffi[nffim$fi 9 Look at lhe diagzm below. 5 4 3 2 I 0 -t -2 -3 (a) wnte doM lhe co-ordinateE of the loint .8. III (b) The bi.ngle ,rrc is Efl€ctld in lhe lin€ J = I to siv€ a new hi4gle PQI. \ DFw th. $w $ianele Pgt on tbe di.ghm .bove. I2l

iltruilillll ? (c) The original lriangle -,itc is rotaled 9tr olockwise about the poiot (3' I ) !o give ano$e{ triegle. wnte doM the ccordinates ofth€ new posiaion of,. ( (rD The diagllm is dram on . one ceniimeh€ grid Wo* out lhe 6rc4 of lhe oriErnal triagle ,{rc. Ill l0 Andy, Brian and€ sh46 S72 in th€ 6tio 2:3 :4 work out hoe much Brid rcceives. $ t2l lr"-d:J

ilflilil|flltilmilililtilfl ' rr Th€ erid shovs the staisbt line *iti €qu.tion 2r + ), = l2 (!) Conplete rhe t ble ofvalues for/:2r + 2 (b) Dow th< liner= 2r+ 2 on the srit (c) Write down the solution to the simultanous equtions. I 7 =12 tll lrl ZE+y=12 ,-2t+2 0 5 trt

rffinililililt , 12 Tim think ofa Nnh.r. His numbe. rcond.d lo 2 decimal pl@s is 5.46 Wtat is the rmrllc.t po!6ible numbs Tim @uld have thought of? l3 The diasnm sholvs a pent^gon ABCDE. t1l nt NOT TO .SCALE AngleE4, = l l8' Explain how yru can tell nom the size oflhis angle lhat tle pentlgon mt rcglllu. r."-"Yl

mililllllll 14 Faolo.ise l-sv 15 A t!i[l@ves londd at 0E:55 td anivs in P.te(borcugh at 09:35 (r) How long dc the jouney &om lrDdor to Pet€doiough lake in mldt's? l0 Ill o) Th. diei.nce ton London to Pclerborcugft h 164 km. Caloulatedlc €ras6 sp€ed of the tlin in tr/ll ninut€s tll I2l

nilmmilnlilll " 16 Kiem buys a cd for $8000 The follding y6r he slls th€ ce for $7500 Find the percmtage lGs. % I2l t2 ('+t ( lE The distan@ ftom lhe Earth to the Sw b 92 E6E 0(x) mil6. Wrirelhis d$ corecr ro J signifidt 6guras. tlt trl o-."C

iltrilh$llilruilu '2 A cobpey mak€s 12 differcnt tlles oftel€vision The cost (itr dollN) and sM size (in centiinetes) of @ch type oftelevision are shom in the scattlr dia8r.m, ru[ 19 900 800 700 600 500 cosr ($) 400 300 200 100 040 100 t20 (.) W.ite dom the cost ofthe televhioD which has a scr€en sie of65 ctl]. $ ...... ..................................................... ... . trl O) The company is inhoducilg a new television with a scr€en size of85 cm. \ Put . nng eutrd lhe cost that you think would be dost apprcpriaE for the Dew )E0s $320 $510 $690 $800 Ill

rtffi[][ffinilil 13 T 20 Us a trial and improvendt method !o find atr lpproximat€ slution to lhe €quttior y' + s'= loo Srart with r=7 Give your answer !o ooe dsiral plao€. You must show .[ ydr wo*ing t4l & rr,-"gl

milffiil1Iilru 21 Two ftn fou sid€d dic, numbqtd l4 I to 4 arE rolled and the scores ac Ddtipll€d 44 (r) ComDlel€ the sample space diagam to slow all the outcom$ 2 l I 2 4 (b) What is fie Drobstility ofobraining an evd out@me? tlt nl

22 A baby elephant har a dass of l05l& Th€ elephad incrers€s in nals by 95 kg per year. Work out hop IMy y€rs it wiu take for the elephant lna$ io imrease to 2 tonn€s. Cive you. adswer to the n€arest y€ar, lllillltilfiIilil 15 23 A circula.lish pond h.r.n aM of2om': Calculaie the dhmetor of 0E fish pond. yeas t3l m I3l rfthovll

lltiltilllllt 24 A Fa!€zium iE Dtttc up oftiangls. l6 NOT TO SCALE Tridd.s?{rE dd ACd are nsht*8led Fiangls Tnanlg cDE and 8cEare isccel$ tianslg (ac AD ,-{t= 3 on and ra =4 cn. work out tlE l€nglh oflD. . cm I3l