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[PDF] 2010 Key Stage 2 Year 6 - Science Test A B Levels 3-5 Mark Schemes.pdf | Plain Text

Mark schemes Tests A and B LEVELS 3–5 Sc KEY STAGE 22010 National sampling for scienceCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 1

QCDA wishes to make its publications widely accessible. Please contact us if you have any specific accessibility requirements. First published in 2010 © Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 2010 ISBN 978-1-84962-316-2 Reproduction, storage, adaptation or translation, in any form or by any means, of this publication is prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher, unless within the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Excerpts may be reproduced for the purpose of research, private study, criticism or review, or by educational institutions solely for educational purposes, without permission, provided full acknowledgement is given. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) is currently operating certain of its non-regulatory functions under the name Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA). The legal entity remains QCA, established under the Education Act 1997. QCA is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 1993. Printed in Great Britain by QCDA under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and Queen’s Printer of Acts of Parliament. Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency 83 Piccadilly London W1J 8QA DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 2

Marking the sc ienc e tests Following the recommendations of the Expert Group on Assessment the Department of Children, Schools and Families decided to discontinue national curriculum tests in science at key stage 2 and to monitor national standards in science through externally-marked national sampling. The outcomes will be used to monitor national standards in key stage 2 science. This booklet contains the mark schemes for tests A and B. External markers under contract to QCDA will mark the test papers using the mark schemes in this booklet. G eneral guidanc e The struc ture of the mark sc hemes The marking information for each question is set out in the form of tables. The ‘question’ column on the left-hand side of each table provides a quick reference to the question number and question part. The‘mark’column gives the number of marks available for each question part. The ‘requirements’column may include three types of information: ■ a general statement describing what is required for the award of marks ■ examples of specific creditworthy responses demonstrating correct science ■ examples of creditworthy responses that are beyond the key stage 2 programme of study. The ‘allowable answers’column gives examples of allowable creditworthy responses, showing correct science which may not be as clearly expressed. The ‘additional guidance’column may include different types of information: ■ specific responses which are not creditworthy either because information from the question has been rephrased, or because incorrect scientific knowledge is implied ■ answers which are insufficient in themselves to gain credit, but are not incorrect science, and would therefore not lose credit if combined with a correct response. Applying the mark sc hemes The mark schemes give scientifically correct answers to each question as well as providing guidance on, and examples of, other answers which are allowable. In cases of alternative wording or where an answer is drawn rather than written, external markers will exercise their professional judgement. 1CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 3

The pupil gives two or more responses to a particular question part. The pupil has not used ticks to indicate the correct response in a multiple-choice question. The pupil ticks more than the required number of boxes. In a planning question, no answer is given in the expected place, but the correct answer is given in the drafting box. The pupil misspells a word.a) If a pupil qualifies a scientifically correct answer with a scientifically incorrect statement, no mark will be awarded for that question part. b) If a pupil qualifies a scientifically correct answer with an incorrect statement which is not relevant to the context of the question, the latter response is regarded as ‘neutral’ and the mark will be awarded. Any unambiguous positive indication of the correct answer will be accepted. Ticks take precedence over any other form of response. Therefore, when ticks and any other sort of response are given together, the boxes with ticks will be assumed to be the pupil’s response. If the correct boxes are left blank, no marks will be awarded. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. Negative marks will not be awarded. Where a pupil has shown understanding of the question, the mark(s) will be given. a) If it is clear that the pupil has made a simple error, eg ‘tow’ for ‘two’ or ‘son’ for ‘sun’, then the incorrect spelling will be accepted and the mark awarded. b) If a pupil misspells a word copied from the text of the question or from a selection given, and the new word does not have any inappropriate meaning, the incorrect spelling will be accepted and the mark awarded. c) If specific scientific vocabulary is required in the answer, a creditworthy misspelling must be a phonetic equivalent of the required word, with the major syllables of the correct word represented in the answer. What if...? Marking procedure Rec ording marks awarded In the margin, alongside each question part, there is a mark box for each question part. Depending on the type of response made to each part of each question by the pupil, the external marker will put one of the following into each box: 1for an acceptable/allowable response 0for an incorrect response –if no response is made. The number of marks gained on each double page will be written in the box at the bottom of the right-hand page. The total number of marks gained on each paper will be recorded on the front of the test paper. Each paper has 40 marks available. The 2010 key stage 2 science tests and mark schemes were developed by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) on behalf of QCDA. 2 In order to ensure consistency of marking, the most frequent queries are listed below, along with the action the marker will take.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 4

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Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e4Test A question 1 : Drinking waterAward ONEmark for:■sieve. Award ONEmark for correctly classifying bothstatements: Award ONEmark for explaining that bits of (insoluble) mud in the water will not fit through the filter but the water flows through it:■only the water goes through the paper and any mud is left behind■insoluble bits (of soil) are left on the filter paper, the rest goes through■the filter collects the big particles and lets the smaller ones through. Award ONEmark for indicating that the micro-organisms could make people ill:■they could get sick/ill■they could catch a disease. 1a 1/2c 1b 2/5a 1c 3/3c,b 1d 2/5f1m 1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■(tea) strainer■(fishing) net■colander. ONEmark may be awarded for a response which describes what happens to either the mud orthe water:■the mud is trapped in the filter■the water goes through (the holes in the filter)■the mud is too big for the holes. ONEmark may be awarded for:■they could be harmed/(food) poisoned■they could catch germs / viruses / bacteria / bugs.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■filter. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response that does not clearly imply the mud remains in the filter or the water goes through:■it filters it■there are holes in the filter■it filters the mud from the water [given]. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response indicating the funnel separates the mixture:■the mud stays in the funnel. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response that does not make the link to infecting people:■they might/would die■micro-organisms are dangerous■there are germs/bacteria in the water. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response that states people may develop an inappropriate medical condition:■they will get cancer.because the animals are adapted to live in the stream so the animals do not get eaten by predatorsTr u e FalseCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 4

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .5Test A question 1 : Drinking water (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for:■Award ONEmark for:■100°C 1e 1/2c 1f 3/2d1m 1m✓Hang it over a fire in a pot.✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 5

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e6Test A question 2 : C irc uitAward ONEmark for correctly drawing the symbol for a cell in the circuit:■Award ONEmark for:■switch. Award ONEmark for:■2a 4/1c 2b 4/1a 2c 1/2c,d1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for vertical lines drawn at the end of the existing wires:■Do not give credit for a response incorrectly connecting the cell to the circuit [with gaps between the cell and wires of more than 2 mm] or inaccurately drawing the cell or drawing more than one cell:■ ■ ■ ■ ■Do not give credit for an insufficient response:■the button you press on and off■crocodile clips■a paperclip between two she does not measure light from other sources✓+ -+ -CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 6

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .7Test A question 2 : C irc uit (c ontinued)Award TWOmarks for correctly completing all fourrows of the table as shown: If you are unable to award two marks, award ONEmark for any three rows completed correctly. 2d 4/1b2m 1morObject used will be dimmer.will be brighter. will not change. The bulb... copper wire a motor another cell another bulb✓ ✓✓ ✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 7

Allowable answers QuestionRequirementsAdditional guidanc e8Test A question 3 : Heating waterMarkAward ONEmark for a response indicating the volume of water is being changed:■the amount/volume of water■how much water there is in the saucepan. Award ONEmark for an appropriate piece of equipment for measuring temperature:■thermometer■temperature sensor. Award ONEmark for an indication that it will stop her getting burnt orthat it will not conduct heat:■it stops her burning her fingers■wood is not a (thermal) conductor■heat will not go through the wood■wood is a (thermal) insulator. 3a 1/2d 3b 1/2c 3c 1/2e 3/1b1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■height /depth/level of water■length of water■each time they did the test they added more water to the pan. ONEmark may be awarded for:■heat sensor. ONEmark may be awarded for:■it will not get hot. ONEmark may be awarded for:■if it was metal it would burn her/heat the handle up.Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science where either the dependent or the control variables are given:■time/minutes■method used to heat the water. Do not give credit for an insufficient response:■the water (in the saucepans) [ambiguous – may refer to temperature or type]. Do not give credit for an insufficient response:■sensor. Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science:■wood does not burn. Do not give credit for an insufficient response:■if it was plastic it would melt.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 8

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .9Test A question 3 : Heating water (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for an indication that the starting temperature of the water was not the same in all of the saucepans:■the temperature of the water in saucepan A started higher than the other saucepans■the water in saucepan A was too hot at the beginning■they did not all start at the same temperature. Award ONEmark for bothtimes correct: 3d 1/2m 3e 1/2i,h1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■the water in saucepan A started at 20°C■the water in saucepan A should have been at 10°C■saucepans B and C started at 10°C■A is at 20°C and B and C are at 10°C. ONEmark may be awarded for times that fall within the given ranges:Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science:■the pans did not have the same heat■they were heated for different times■she used different amounts of water. Do not give credit for an insufficient response comparing all pans but not specifically at the start:■because some were at different temperatures to the others■the temperatures were not the same■A was hotter. Do not give credit for an insufficient response which does not refer to temperature or use the unit °C:■A was more than pans B and C■A is at 20 and B and C are at 10.Saucepan A B CTime to reach 50°C (seconds)66greater than 40 and less than 43, including decimals/fractions greater than 57 and less than 60, including decimals/fractionsSaucepan A B CTime to reach 50°C (seconds)6642 59CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 9

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e10Test A question 4 : River wildlifeAward ONEmark for a feature of the duck and the swan that is similar:■feathers■beak■body shape■wings. Award ONEmark for a feature of the duck and the swan that is notsimilar:■the colour of the feathers■the length of the neck■the size of the bird. Award ONEmark for:■4 a i 2/4b 4 a ii 2/4b 4b 2/4c1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for a response identifying similar behaviours:■the duck and swan can fly. ONEmark may be awarded for:■they are both birds. ONEmark may be awarded for identifying a feature of one bird that is different from the other:■the swan is white■has it got a long neck?■white feathers. ONEmark may be awarded for:■size■colour■neck.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response giving a feature that is common to all three animals:■webbed feet■legs /eyes/head■they can swim. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response giving a feature that is common to both a swan and a duck:■webbed feet■beak■body shape■feathers. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response repeating a feature already given in part 4ai which puts the duck and the swan in the same group:■they both have long necks and frogs do not [part 4ai] long necks [part 4aii].to help identify different ducks✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 10

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .11Test A question 4 : River wildlife (c ontinued)Award TWOmarks for both:■coot andmoorhen [given in either order]. If you are unable to award two marks, ONEmark may be awarded for any one bird correctly identified. Award ONEmark for an indication of the colours of boththe wings andthe beak:■The wings are(mostly) grey The beak isyellow. 4c 2/4a 4d 2/4a2m or 1m 1mCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 11

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e12Test A question 5 : Foil boatsAward ONEmark for an arrow pointing upwards anywhere on the diagram:■Award ONEmark for:■has the largest base. AwardTWOmarks for correctly classifying all threestatements: Compared with the other boats... If you are unable to award two marks, award ONEmark for any twostatements correctly classified. 5a 4/2e 5b 1/2l 4/2d 5c 4/2b 1/2j1m 1m 2m 1mONEmark may be awarded for an arrow that is within 45° of the vertical. ONEmark may be awarded for more than one creditworthy arrow drawn.Do notgive credit for a response that includes incorrect science where the arrow is pointing downwards. Do notgive credit for a response that includes incorrect science where the arrow is pointing horizontally.or✓When applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .boat 3 was more waterproof. there was a bigger force from the water stopping boat 3 sinking. there was less gravity pulling down on boat 3.False Tr u e FalseCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 12

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .13Test A question 6 : Model sheepAward ONEmark for a response stating the solid dissolved:■it has dissolved. ❖G ive c reditfor a correct response that goes beyond the key stage 2 programme of study, indicating that the solid is soluble or forms a solution. Award ONEmark for:■absorbent Award ONEmark for an indication that all the liquid has evaporated orthat there is no liquid in the pot:■the water has all evaporated■there is no liquid in the pot■all the special liquid has been absorbed into the cardboard sheep. Award ONEmark for:■salt 6a 3/2a 3/3b 6b 3/1a 6c 1/2l 1/1a 6 d 3/2a1m 1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■it has no more water to absorb■all the solid has been used up.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■it has disappeared■it is transparent. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response suggesting that the solid has been used up, but where the subject of the answer is not clear:■it has all gone■it dried up. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response stating evaporation/absorption is occurring without indicating the liquid has been used up:■the liquid evaporated/soaked into the sheep.✓ ✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 13

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e14Test A question 7 : Watering plantsAward TWOmarks for any twocorrect responses:■(sun)light■air■nutrients /minerals. ❖G ive c redit for a correct response that goes beyond the key stage 2 programme of study if air is not already given:■oxygen/O2 ■carbon dioxide /CO2. If you are unable to award two marks, award ONEmark for any onecorrect response. Award TWOmarks for all fourquestions correctly answered: If you are unable to award two marks, award ONEmark for any twoor three questions correctly answered. 7a 2/3a 7b 1/2c,d2m 1m 2m 1mMarks may be awarded for:■warmth /heat■fertilizer /named type of commercial plant growth supplement [if nutrients or minerals are not also given].Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science:■soil/compost [not taken in]■temperature. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■Sun■water [given]■(plant) food■nutrition [this is a life process, not what is taken in]. Do notgive credit for a second response that is a repetition or restatement of the first.or orHow many plants should David use? Should David put the plant pots in the same place? Should David put the same amount of water in each pot? Should David use the same type of soil in each pot? 5 plants yes no✓ ✓ ✓ ✓yesCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 14

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .15Test A question 7 : Watering plants (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for both:■root and stem/stalk [given in either order]. Award TWOmarks for all fourletters in the correct place:■If you are unable to award two marks, award ONEmark for any twoor three letters in the c orrec t plac e. 7c 2/3c 7d 3/2e1m 2m 1mMarks may be awarded for ‘trunk’ and /or ‘branches’ but not in conjunction with ‘stem/stalk’. ONEmark may be awarded for three letters in the c orrec t orderbut incorrectly placed on the diagram [the only two possible correct responses indicated by the shaded boxes]:■orCA E BDCB D AECD A EBCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 15

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e16Test A question 8 : Ic eAward ONEmark for a response identifying temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is:■how hot /cold the air/it is. Award ONEmark for all fivedays correctly completed: 8a 3/2c 8 b i 3/2c 1/2c,j1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■warmth■(the amount of) heat.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■air/gas■degrees Celsius/°C.Mon Temperature (°C)Tues Wed Thurs Fri Could Tom find ice on the puddle? Yes or no?No Yes Yes Yes No–2 36–1 –1 DayCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 16

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .17Test A question 8 : Ic e (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for a response that recognises the temperature is below 0°C, the freezing point of water:■because the numbers are below 0°C■water freezes at 0°C. 8 b ii 1/2l1mONEmark may be awarded for a response implying the freezing point is at 0°C without referring to ‘°C’ or ‘temperature’:■because it is less than zero.Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science giving an inaccurate freezing point of water:■the temperature is below –1°C, the freezing point of water. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response which states the temperature is in negative numbers:■when everything is in the minuses, it freezes■because they are negative numbers. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response repeating information from the table without interpretation:■because it was –2°C and –1°C. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response identifying the cold(est) days have ice:■because these were the coldest days■it was so cold it froze■the temperature was too low.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 17

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Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .19Test B question 1 : MagnetsAward ONEmark for an unambiguous indication of: Award ONEmark for an indication that the magnets repeleach other orthat the magnets have like poles facing each other:■the magnets are repelling each other■Nisha’s magnet is pushing the train’s magnet away■like poles repel■the two North poles on both magnets are facing each other. 1a 4/2a 1b 4/2a,d1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for: ONEmark may be awarded for:■the magnetic force pushes it away■Nisha put like poles together■it is repelling. ONEmark may be awarded where an insufficient or no response is given but the left-hand pole of Nisha’s magnet has been correctly labelled ‘N’.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■the magnet pushes it■Nisha’s magnet is not the right way round■the magnets do not attract [does not imply repulsion]. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response implying the whole magnet is one pole:■they are both North magnets so they will repel.N SN SNSN SN SSCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 19

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e20Test B question 2 : Duc kweedAward ONEmark for an indication that the root takes in/soaks up minerals and/or water:■they take up minerals■the root absorbs water. 2a 2/3c1mONEmark may be awarded for:■the root absorbs/gets nutrients■it drains /takes /draws nutrients from the pond■the root collects/gathers water■it carries water to the leaves [as there is no stem]■it helps with dispersal [duckweed roots are sticky to facilitate transfer by the legs of water birds to new habitats].Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science indicating the root holds the leaves up:■keeps the leaves standing. Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science indicating that the root gives the plant food:■it takes/ sends up/ brings it food■it feeds it■it gathers /absorbs food. Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science indicating an active anthropomorphic mechanism:■the root drinks /sucks/pulls up water. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response that implies the root keeps the plant stable or helps prevent movement [given]:■it keeps the plant upright. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response where ‘goodness’ is used in place of ‘nutrients’, ‘water’ or ‘minerals’:■it takes up goodness. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response that does not recognise the role of the root:■for water.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 20

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .21Test B question 2 : Duc kweed (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for:■Award ONEmark for bothrows of the table completed correctly giving numbers within the ranges shown: Award ONEmark for:■2b 1/2c 2c 1/2c 2d 1/1b1m 1m 1mDo not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science showing the reverse relationship: Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science giving fractions of duckweed plants.Number of duckweed plants at the end of the week Amount of sunlight (hours per day) 0 64 10greater than 4 0 – 3 inclusiveso she can collect evidenceMeasuring cylinder100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10cm3Number of duckweed plants at the end of the week Amount of sunlight (hours per day) 0 64 10greater than 4 0 – 3 inclusive✓ ✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 21

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e22Test B question 3 : Roc ketAward ONEmark for both sentences correctly completed: Award ONEmark for:■Award ONEmark for a general comparison describing the relationship between the amount of tabletand the time takenfor the rocket to go up:■the smaller the (amount of) tablet, the longer the rocket takes to go up■the more tablet there is, the less time the rocket takes to go up. 3a 3/2f 3/1e 3b 1/2e 3c 1/2i,j1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for a response where all threeincorrect words have been crossed out, leaving bothsentences correct: ONEmark may be awarded for two specific comparisons describing the relationship:■the whole tablet makes the rocket take the shortest time and the quarter tablet makes the rocket take the longest time. ONEmark may be awarded for references to the rate at which the rocket launched rather than the time taken:■the smaller the tablet, the slower the rocket (launches)■the more tablet, the quicker the rocket goes up.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response where only onesentence is correct. Do not give credit for a response that changes a variable:■the bigger the tablet, the quicker it produces gas [incorrect science]■the smaller the tablet, the less gas made [insufficient]. Do not give credit for an insufficient response which gives a single comparison of the variables:■the smallest tablet makes the rocket take the most time■the rocket goes faster when the tablet is big.He is not sure where the rocket will go.✓(i)The bubbles show that a is produced.reversible. not reversible.(ii)This change issolid liquid gas(i)The bubbles show that a is produced.reversible. not reversible.(ii)This change issolid liquid gasCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 22

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .23Test B question 3 : Roc ket (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for a response which is greater than 0 and less than 5 seconds. Award ONEmark for:■3d 1/2i 3e 3/2f1m 1mDo notgive credit for a response that includes incorrect science:■0 seconds.vinegar and bicarbonate of soda✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 23

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Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .25Test B question 4 : DrumsAward ONEmark for:■Award ONEmark for an indication of the floor ordrum stand:■the ground■the drum’s legs. Award ONEmark for:■vibrations■she can feel the floor vibrate. Award ONEmark for correctly completing all threerows of the table: 4a 4/2d 4b 4/3g 4c 4/3e 4d 4/3f1m 1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for naming a material that the floor is made of:■wood■tiles. ONEmark may be awarded for naming parts of the drum stand:■metal bits■rubber/plastic (ends). ONEmark may be awarded for a description of the vibration where the rapid speed of movement is indicated:■the floor moves up and down (very) quickly.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■drum■Evelyn’s feet■the air [given]■oxygen [constituent of air]■her body■drumsticks■vibrations■legs [could mean Evelyn’s legs]. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■the floor shakes/moves up and down [no indication of speed]■the drum sound [repetition of stem]. a pushing force from the drum skinHow Evelyn plays the drumgets higher.does not get higher or louder. gets louder.with a tighter drum skinrThe sound... hit the drum faster with the same force hit the drum with more force✓ ✓ ✓✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 25

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e26Test B question 5 : Keeping warm and healthyAward ONEmark for bothparts correct: (i) the centre of the cross drawn on the heart: AND (ii) heart. Award ONEmark for bothcorrect boxes ticked:■playing football■going for a walk Award ONEmark for:■beats per minute 5a 2/2c 5b 2/2d 5c BoS 2a 2/2c1m 1m 1m✓ ✓ ✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 26

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .27Test B question 5 : Keeping warm and healthy (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for an indication that a large sample made Hassan’s test reliable orthat he used an appropriate control variable that made the test fair:■he used 6/lots of children (not just one)■he took the pulse rates of the same children in the hot and cold■he used the same (6) children■all the children had been sitting only and not running about■he made sure the children were at rest in both places■he made sure the children had time to cool down or warm up in each place. Award ONEmark for a conclusion identifying that the pulse rate was higher in the warm place orthe converse:■pulse rate is higher when it is warmer■the children had higher pulse rates in the warm classroom than they did in the cold playground■a low temperature makes your pulse go down■the warmer it is, the more heart beats. 5d 1/2g,d 5e 1/2j1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for an indication that accuracy was improved:■he used a timer instead of a clock to measure the exact time. ONEmark may be awarded for an absolute response:■they had high/fast pulse rates in the warm/classroom■they had low/slow pulse rates in the cold/playground. ONEmark may be awarded for a response indicating that the pulse rate was higher when the children felt the surroundings were warmer:■the warmer you/the children/they are, the higher the pulse rate.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■he measured the air temperature in each place [this refers to ensuring the independent variable has been varied rather than to a control variable]. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■he checked his results ■he repeated his test [ambiguous as could refer to repetition of test at a different temperature, or with different children]■he made a fair test■he used the same number of children [not clear the pupil understands the children are the same in each test]. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response that does not interpret the results:■in the warm classroom the numbers are high.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 27

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .28Test B question 6 : Moon tripAward ONEmark for:■weight■gravitational pull /attraction. Award ONEmark for an indication that the Moon is spherical:■sphere. ❖G ive c redit for a correct response that goes beyond the key stage 2 programme of study:■ovoid■geoid. Award ONEmark for:■28 days Award ONEmark for an indication that night and day are caused by the spin of the Earth:■the Earth/it spins/rotates (on its axis)■the Earth/it turns on its axis. 6a 4/2b 6b 4/4a 6c 4/4d 6d 4/4c1m 1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■gravity. ONEmark may be awarded for:■(like a) ball. ONEmark may be awarded for:■(the Earth moves) on its axis■it revolves (about its axis). ONEmark may be awarded for a creditworthy response accompanied by an insufficient response describing the orbit of the Earth around the Sun:■the Earth spins as it orbits the Sun■the Earth turns on its axis and moves around the Sun.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■downward pull. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■round■circular■oval. Do not give credit for an insufficient response implying night and day are caused by the orbit of the Earth around the Sun:■the Earth’s orbit■the Earth going around the Sun■the Earth spins/rotates/revolves around the Sun. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■the Earth/it moves around■the Earth/it turns■the rotation [does not indicate what is rotating]■during the day, the Earth faces the Sun, at night the Earth faces away from the Sun/ faces the Moon.✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 28

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .29Test B question 6 : Moon trip (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for naming any oneof the following life processes:■reproduction■nutrition. ❖G ive c redit for a correct response that goes beyond the key stage 2 programme of study:■movement■respiration■excretion■sensitivity. Award ONEmark for both correct boxes ticked:■There is no rain.■There is no air. 6e 2/1b 6f 1/1a 2/1c1m 1mDo notgive credit for an insufficient response:■growth [given]■germination■nutrients■die.✓ ✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 29

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e30Test B question 7 :Baby’s bottleAward ONEmark for recognising the need for comparison:■to see how quickly the bottle would normally cool down (without being wrapped up)■it is a control bottle■to see if wrapped is better than unwrapped■to see if the milk will stay warmer if it is not wrapped. Award ONEmark for:■(thermal) insulator. Award ONEmark for all threecorrect variables ticked:■ ■Award ONEmark for:■B 7a 1/2b,c 7b 3/1b 7c 1/2d 7d 1/2i1m 1m 1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for responses where it is not clear what is being compared:■to see the difference in the results■so he can see which one stays warm for longer.Do not give credit for an insufficient response:■so it is a fair test■to see how quickly it cools.✓volume of milk in bottle size of bottlenumber of layers of material wrapping the bottle✓ ✓✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 30

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .31Test B question 7 :Baby’s bottle (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for both:■wool AND an explanation that indicates the wool was best at stopping heat loss for the bottle (so will also be best for insulating the lolly):■the wool was best at keeping the bottle warm■it is the best insulator■wool will stop the lolly melting for longest as it kept the bottle warm for longest. 7e 1/2k,c1mONEmark may be awarded for both:■wool AND an absolute response:■wool is a (good) insulator■it kept the bottle of milk warm. ONEmark may be awarded if no box is ticked, but the creditworthy explanation indicates unambiguously that the pupil believes wool was best at preventing the ice lolly from melting for the longest time.Do not give credit if either ‘cotton’ or ‘paper’ is ticked. Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science implying cold rather than heat travels:■it kept the cold in/stopped the coldness getting through. Do not give credit for an insufficient response:■wool is thick. Do not give credit for an insufficient response that gives sunlight as a source of warmth:■it will block the sunlight from making it hot.✓CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 31

32Test B question 8 : TomatoesAllowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAward ONEmark for an awareness of the independent variable (IV) in an experiment or survey which compares the tomato seeds:■the brand of tomato seeds■the type of tomato. Award ONEmark for any acceptable dependent variable (DV) identified:■the number of tomatoes / flowers■the height of the plant■the mass / weight of the plant / crop■the size of the tomatoes■speed of germination/growth. 8a 1/2a,d 8b 1/2c,d1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■tomatoes■different seeds■(kind of) seeds■(the) brand. ONEmark may be awarded for:■how tall it is■which one ripens fastest. ONEmark may be awarded for subjective or qualitative measures:■taste.Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science giving the dependent variable or a control variable:■the number of tomatoes■the place tomatoes are put. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■(the) type. A DV (in part 8b) without an IV (in part 8a) can gain credit. If there is an IV the DV must agree with it. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response repeating information given in the question:■the growth of the seed/tomato■which seeds grow best. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response which does not explicitly describe the attribute of tomatoes to be measured:■compare the tomatoes■time taken.Additional guidanc eDraft boxMarkers should read the answers to all parts before marking this question. The draft box c an be c onsulted when marking all parts for c larific ation of any ambiguity in the marked response or when no answer is given. If an answer is c orrec t, ignore c ontradic tory statements written in the draft box. Parts 8 a– 8 d must form a c oherent investigation.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 32

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .33Test B question 8 : Tomatoes (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for any acceptable control variable (CV):■light■water■temperature■soil■condition / situation in which the tomatoes are kept■time left to grow. Award TWOmarks for an indication that the left-hand heading of the table is the IV(brand of seed) andthe right-hand heading is the DV(as described in part 8b): Left- hand heading (8 di)■(type of) seed■which brand?■tomato. Right- hand heading (8 dii)■number/mass of tomatoes■speed of germination /growth■height of the plant (cm)■taste scale (1–5). If you are unable to award two marks, award ONEmark for eitherheading correct. 8c 1/2d 8d 1/2h1m 2m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■the place■number of seeds/plants. ONEmark may be awarded for a left- hand heading which repeats a non- creditworthy response given in 8a. ONEmark may be awarded for an appropriate unit of measurement in the right-hand column if it matches the DV given in 8b:■cm. ONEmark may be awarded for a right- hand heading which repeats a non- creditworthy response given in 8b.Do notgive credit for a CV that is inconsistent with, or repeats a creditworthy IV or DV offered in parts 8a or 8b respectively. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response identifying a CV which could also be a DV where there is no correct DV for clarification. If neither an IV nor a DV is offered, the CV may gain credit provided it is consistent with the context of the investigation. An appropriate CV can gain credit where boththe IV andDV are insufficient or incorrect. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response which suggests everything is controlled:■everything has to be the same. The table headings must be consistent with any creditworthy IV and DV given. Units do not need to be given. The table headings can gain credit if they describe an appropriate IV or DV which has been omitted in the rest of the question or where an insufficient or incorrect IV or DV has been given. Insufficient responses in the left - hand or right-hand columns may be clarified from the answers to parts 8a and 8b respectively:■type [can be clarified if 8a says ‘type of seeds’]. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response which generalises the right -hand column:■results/findings■what happened.orCM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 33

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc e34Test B question 9 : Separating saltAwardONEmark for a response indicating that the salt and pasta are different sizes:■the salt is smaller than the pasta■they are not the same size. Award ONEmark for a response identifying filtration:■she should filter it■use filter paper. 9a 3/3a 9 b i 3/3c1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for:■the salt is small and goes through the sieve but the pasta does not■the holes in the sieve are small so the salt can go through and the pasta cannot. ONEmark may be awarded for:■filter paper■put paper in the sieve■use a finer sieve■decant it.Do notgive credit for an insufficient response which does not compare the size of the solids:■the salt is small (and goes through the sieve). Do notgive credit for an insufficient response identifying that the size of the material affects the separation without indicating the sizes need to be different:■size■the sieve lets small things through. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■the salt goes through the sieve but the pasta cannot■they are a different shape■they are different. Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science implying evaporation will separate the sand and the salt:■heat the mixture■evaporate the water. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■use a funnel [all material would go through a funnel]■use a small sieve.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 34

Allowable answers QuestionRequirements MarkAdditional guidanc eWhen applying this mark sc heme, please also refer to the G eneral guidanc egiven on pages 1 and 2 .35Test B question 9 : Separating salt (c ontinued)Award ONEmark for an indication that the mixture can be separated by evaporating (the water leaving the salt behind):■by evaporation■evaporate the water (leaving the salt). Award ONEmark for a response indicating both the salt and the sugar would dissolve in the water:■it will dissolve the sugar (too). 9 b ii 3/3d 9c 3/3d1m 1mONEmark may be awarded for a response explaining the mixture should be moved to a warmer place and/or left to dry:■move the mixture onto a sunny/warm window sill■put it on a radiator■leave the salt to dry■heat it■put it on a shelf and wait.Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science implying the salt will evaporate:■evaporate the mixture/solution. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response where it is unclear what is being evaporated:■leave it out to evaporate the liquid■evaporate it. Do notgive credit for an insufficient response:■leave it (out)■the water disappears.CM DA DB 2010 sampling markscheme_MS_TestA&B_Sc_275366 17/02/2010 15:42 Page 35

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