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[PDF] Cambridge Primary Checkpoint - English (0844) Specimen 2014 Paper 2 MS.pdf | Plain Text

This document consists of 9 printed pages and 1 blank page. IB14 0844_02_SP/3RP © UCLES 2014 [Turn over Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Primary Checkpoint ENGLISH 0844/02 Paper 2 For Examination from 2014 SPECIMEN MARK SCHEME 1 hour MAXIMUM MARK: 50

© UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 Section A: Reading Question number 1 Tick () two boxes that we know are TRUE from the passage. Part Mark Answer Further Information 2 He wore a tweed suit.  His mouth was wide.  Award 1 mark for each correct tick. Total 2 Question number 2 Why were the people in the district afraid? Part Mark Answer Further Information 1 Because of the thunderstorm Accept responses referring to how loud / bright the thunder / lightning was / how violent the storm was Total 1 Question number 3 What change took place in the scarecrow when lightning struck him? Part Mark Answer Further Information 1 He came to life. Accept responses which refer to the effect the lightning had on the scarecrow Answers must be from the text. Total 1 Question number 4 When Jack awoke, he stood up and looked around. Why? Part Mark Answer Further Information 1 He / Jack had heard a voice / someone calling. Accept he/Jack had heard a noise. Total 1

3 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 [Turn over Question number 5 Did the scarecrow seem calm? Give a reason from the text to support your\ answer. Part Mark Answer Further Information 1 Accept ‘No’ as an answer with one of the following phrases:  He was shouting  He was waving wildly  He was yelling  He was leaning over at a crazy angle Do not accept answers where ‘Yes’ has been ticked. Accept answers that describe the scarecrow’s ‘behaviour’. Total 1 Question number 6 Although scarecrows don’t usually talk, Jack decided to go and help t\ he scarecrow. What does this tell you about Jack? Part Mark Answer Further Information 1 That he is brave / curious / courageous / inquisitive Accept: kind / obedient/ courteous Total 1

4 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 Question number 7 Do you feel worried about Jack approaching the scarecrow? Explain your a\ nswer using words and phrases from the text. Part Mark Answer Further Information 2 Explanation – 1 mark Quotations – 1 mark There is no mark for the first part of the question but answers must agree with the choice ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Award one mark for each part of the answer. Accept other suitable reasons but it is important that explanations and quotations ‘match’ each other. Yes: the scarecrow might be dangerous / mad. ‘It isn’t every day you find a scarecrow talking to you’ Yes: he might be going crazy ‘He looks madder than I feel.’ Yes: he might be in danger ‘It isn’t every day you find a scarecrow talking to you.’ No: because he is a brave boy ‘Jack was curious’ No: the scarecrow is not dangerous / frightening ‘Jack was curious’ Total 2 Question Number 8 Why did Jack jump away when the scarecrow’s leg twitched in his hand?\ Part Mark Answer Further information 1  Because scarecrows don’t usually move  Because he was frightened (to feel the scarecrow move)  Because he didn’t expect to feel the scarecrow move  Because he was surprised Accept answers that give a clear indication of Jack’s surprise / fear / disgust. Total 1

5 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 [Turn over Question Number 9 What do you think the weather was like outside when Jack woke up? Give e\ vidence from the text to support your answer. Part Mark Answer Further information 2 Award 1 mark for a suitable quote that matches the first part of the answer.  The storm had cleared away.  Colder than ever  He shaded his eyes Accept answers which mention the clearer day / cold in some way / that the storm had cleared. Total 2 Question Number 10 Who do you think is the point of view character in this story? Explain h\ ow you know. Part Mark Answer Further information 2 Award 1 mark for identifying a character:  scarecrow  Mr Pandolfo’s scarecrow  Jack Award a further mark for answers which give supporting information from the passage. e.g. (scarecrow) we follow everything that he does (Jack) we know about his feelings. Do not accept ‘Mr Pandolfo’ for the first part of the question. Total 2

6 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 Question Number 11 (a) Tick () one box to say which technique is being used here. (b) Explain what you think the underlined phrase means. Part Mark Answer Further information (a) 1 Simile  (b) 2 There are 2 ideas here: sound / what you see Award 1 mark each for responses referring to:  the sound of the thunderstorm  the appearance of the thunderstorm 1 mark for suggesting a warlike / violent situation. Only award 2 marks if responses mention both sound and what is seen. Total 3 Question Number 12 (a) From the evidence in this extract which genre do you think the story is?\ (b) Name two general features of the genre you chose for 12(a). Part Mark Answer Further information (a) 1 Fantasy  (b) 2 Features of fantasy stories include:  The characters could all be real people in an imaginary setting.  The characters could be imaginary, perhaps with human characteristics.  The events could not actually happen.  The story can have a contemporary setting or be set in the future or past. Award 1 mark for each correct answer. Answers which are correct in addition to those suggested can be awarded the mark. If the wrong answer has been given in part (a), accept any correct features of the genre that has been identified. Total 3

7 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 [Turn over Section B: Writing 13 Now continue the story yourself to explain what the chief scientist disc\ overs about the creature. Notes to markers  Marking should always begin from the lowest mark in each column, i.e. fr\ om 1 mark and work upwards. Award 0 if 1 mark is not achieved.  All the statements should be achieved for a student to achieve the mark \ (i.e. if there are two statements to describe a mark, both statements must be achieved befo\ re the mark can be given).  Stop marking at the first statement in a column that the student fails t\ o achieve and award the mark in the box below. NB: MARK SCHEME FOR WRITING IS SPREAD ACROSS 2 PAGES.

8 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 CONTENT PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE TEXT STRUCTURE SENTENCE STRUCTURE PUNCTUATION VOCABULARY SPELLING Imaginative details developed using a variety of techniques e.g. imagery. During the course of the story, the development of the character(s) is shown through actions and reactions. 5 Paragraphs are used to structure the narrative e.g. there is an appropriate build up and resolution of the main event. Dialogue is laid out correctly, with a new line for each speaker. 5 Some use of complex sentences is controlled, including the position of clauses to focus attention. Range of connectives may be developed, e.g. ‘although’, ‘meanwhile’. 5 Character is well described with actions linked to key events. Suspense, or excitement, where used, is well built. 4 A clear, consistent relationship between writer and reader is established and controlled. 4 Paragraphs are used to help structure the narrative. There may be appropriate links between paragraphs. 4 Complex sentences used to create effect using expanded phrases and clauses to develop ideas; e.g. noun, adverbial, adjectival and verb phrases . A wider variety of connectives is used appropriately , e.g. ‘if’, ‘when’, ‘because’. Sentences are mostly grammatically correct. 4 All punctuation is used accurately, including speech punctuation. Clauses are generally marked accurately by commas. There may be some mistakes where certain more complex devices are used, e.g. colons, semi-colons, ellipses, brackets . 4 Spelling is mostly accurate, including words with complex regular patterns. Allow plausible attempts at tricky polysyllables e.g. realised, interesting, wonderful, position, immediately. 4

9 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 Story is well crafted and focuses on either character or action. The story is concluded successfully and without rushing. Narrative viewpoint is established comfortably within the given genre (or ‘chosen’ if not given); e.g. the given story is fantasy or science fiction but genre could change with subsequent story as per instructions. 3 The reader’s response to different parts of the story is well controlled. The reader is engaged by the inclusion of appropriate detail. 3 Paragraphs used to sequence ideas but not consistently. Ideas are organised simply with a fitting opening and closing that are mostly logical. 3 Some complex sentences are used to extend meaning but not always successfully. Use of past and present tense is generally consistent. 3 Commas are always used in lists and sometimes to mark clauses. Speech marks, if used, are accurately placed around words spoken, although other speech punctuation may not be accurate. 3 Use of adventurous and precise vocabulary, including the use of figurative language where appropriate. Vocabulary is used effectively to create a strong image. e.g. use of simile or metaphor. 3 Correct spelling of polysyllabic words that confirm to a regular pattern. e.g. making, probably, clapped, possible, possibly. 3 The story is well placed in its setting. e.g. not given but must be clearly evident. One event is described. 2 Some attempt to engage reader. The writer gives sufficient information for a reader to understand the contents / events described. 2 Some attempt to sequence ideas logically; e.g. content clear Openings and closings sometimes evident. 2 Some variation in sentence openings, e.g. not always starting with the same noun, pronoun or other word. Connectives are simple, e.g. ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’. 2 Sentences nearly always demarcated accurately with full stops, capital letters, question and exclamation marks. Speech marks, if used, may not be accurate. 2 Some evidence of deliberate vocabulary choices used accurately. 2 Spelling of common words with more that one syllable, including compound words, is generally accurate. 2 The story has a simple plot. 1 The reader is given basic information that is relevant to the narrative. 1 Story ideas are evident. 1 Simple sentences are generally grammatically correct. ‘and’ may be used to connect clauses. 1 Straightforward sentences are demarcated accurately; e.g. full stops, capital letters, question and exclamation marks. 1 Simple generally appropriate vocabulary used – limited in range but relevant. 1 Spelling of high frequency words is generally correct. 1 Award 0 where performance fails to meet the lowest description. Stop marking at the first statement in a column that the student fails t\ o achieve and award the mark in the box below.

10 © UCLES 2014 0844/02/SP/14 BLANK PAGE