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[PDF] NAPLAN 2010 Final Test Reading Year 7.pdf | Plain Text

7 year 2010 Use 2B or HB pencil only © ACARA, on behalf of \bhe Minis\berial Council for Educa\bion, Early Childhood Developmen\b and You\bh Affairs, 2010. 0:65 Time available for s\buden\bs \bo comple\be \bes\b: 65 minu\bes n AT ion Al A ssEss ME nT p Rog RAM li TERACY A nD n UMERACY rea DING

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3 nap10_r7_0912© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 7 reaDING read Talented teens on page 2 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 1 to 5.\w 1 Brandon and Gabrie\.lla both work in sports. fashion. computers. entertainment. 2 \bhese texts are best described a\.s profiles. interviews. news stories. diary entries. 3 ... (the movie’s director) ... Why is this informa\.tion in brackets (\. )? It is a definition. It is an extra det\.ail. It is a direct quote. It is the writer’s opinion. 4 \bhe text creates an image of G\.abriella as modest and hardworking. creative but unmotivat\.ed. determined but arrogant. self-centred and vain. Shade one bubble.

4 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_r7_0912 YEAR 7 reaDING 5 Which of the follow\.ing generalisation\.s is not supported by these\. texts? People who face set\.backs are more determined. Child stars are highly demanding \.and conceited. Australians are popular with over\.seas audiences. \balented youngsters \.will eventually be \.discovered. read Jacob on page 3 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 6 to 11\w. 6 How does Jacob kno\.w where the track is? He sees it. He feels it. He hears it. He smells it. 7 What is the main di\.fference between Jacob\. and the others? the way they see the way they talk the way they hear the way they walk 8 Jacob paused. ‘I suppose I don’t thin\b about it mos\ptly.’ After Jacob says th\.is he continues by telling a story. providing a warning. giving an explanat\.ion. presenting an argument. Shade one bubble.

5 nap10_r7_0912© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 7 reaDING 9 What is Jacob most \.likely to have sai\.d before they went outside\.? ‘Can you show me around outside?’ ‘Will you tell me wha\.t you can see?’ ‘Let’s play who can spo\.t things first!’ ‘Come on, I’ll show you what I \.mean by seeing.’ 10 ‘But we can see all \pthose things with o\pur eyes,’ … Why does Mary say \.this? to show Jacob’s ideas were wrong to give an answer \.to Jacob’s question to give another ex\.ample of Jacob’s ideas to show Jacob that\. she did not unders\.tand him 11 Which of these best\. describes Jacob i\.n this text? He avoids new situa\.tions. He wishes he was l\.ike other people. He finds other ways\. to deal with his \.situation. He is good at gett\.ing other people t\.o do what he wants\.. read Learning to track on page 4 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 12 to 1\w7. 12 Which of these was \.most important to S\.arah for developing\. her tracking skill\.s? understanding anima\.ls paying attention t\.o details knowing her surroundings getting help from her family Shade one bubble.

6 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_r7_0912 YEAR 7 reaDING 13 … she borrowed all their sho\pes … Why did Sarah do t\.his? to annoy the famili\.es to pretend to be someone\. else to test the familie\.s’ knowledge to practise what s\.he was learning 14 Who is Jack most li\.kely to be? Sarah’s uncle the farm horse Sarah’s brother the man who visited\. 15 \bhe main reason Sarah’s questions annoyed\. the families was b\.ecause she pressured them to answer. she kept interrupting their work. she kept asking th\.e same questions. she intruded into their pri\.vate lives. 16 Which of the follow\.ing best describes\. Sarah? confident aggressive a show-off bad-tempered Shade one bubble.

7 nap10_r7_0912© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 7 reaDING 17 Shoes, sandals, thongs, gumboots … What is the main ef\.fect of listing the\.se words in this text? to show how much Sa\.rah likes shoes to show how Sarah \.memorises things to show how much effort Sarah made to show what kind \.of shoes Sarah owns\. read Making flat glass on page 5 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 18 to 2\w3. 18 Before 1959, the method of makin\.g flat glass was easy and cheap. clean and quick. slow and expensive\.. dangerous and dirty. 19 What happens in th\.e furnace? \bhe glass becomes h\.ard. \bhe glass is mixed \.with tin. \bhe ingredients are washed. \bhe ingredients turn into l\.iquid. 20 Which of these is a\. lehr? Shade one bubble.

8 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_r7_0912 YEAR 7 reaDING 21 Where would you find molt\.en tin? in the lehr in the furnace in the float bath in the warehouse 22 … In the first phase \p… In the next phase \p… First and next are used to show the \.order in which flat g\.lass is made. From the text, find two other words that do this. 1. 2. 23 Sheet A Sheet B A glass company is m\.aking glass like S\.heet A. What should it chan\.ge to make glass li\.ke Sheet B? the length of the fl\.oat bath the speed the molte\.n glass flows the size of the dia\.mond wheel cutters the temperature to which the gla\.ss is heated Shade one bubble. Write your an\bwer on the line\b. Shade one bubble.

9 nap10_r7_0912© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 7 reaDING read Our body r\byt\bms on page 6 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 24 to 2\w9. 24 When is your blood \.pressure generally highes\.t? early morning early evening late evening around 2 a.m. 25 A person wakes at 2\. a.m. Which of the follow\.ing tasks does the\. text suggest it wo\.uld be most difficult\. for this person to do? open their eyes get back to sleep write down a messag\.e wake up in the morn\.ing 26 Which of the follow\.ing facts about mela\.tonin is referred to in the text? Melatonin production decreases as people ag\.e. Light severely reduces the production of melatoni\.n. \bhe pineal gland is\. the centre for the production of melatoni\.n. As our eyes register the arriva\.l of darkness, melatonin is produced. 27 Who is the intende\.d audience of this \.text? scientists students teachers doctors Shade one bubble.

10 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_r7_0912 YEAR 7 reaDING 28 \bhe writer assumes r\.eaders will have s\.ome prior knowledge\. about their bodies\.. What do readers need to kno\.w? what hormones are where the pineal gland\. is what the parts of t\.he brain do the different chemicals in th\.e brain 29 What is the main id\.ea in this text? how the pineal gla\.nd works how your sleep cycl\.e changes how your body chang\.es over 24 hours how hormone levels \.in your body change\. as you grow read Two posters on page 7 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 30 to 3\w5. 30 Look at the first p\.oster, Good for \bids. According to the text, what is one benefi\.t of drinking tap w\.ater? It tastes delicious\.. It can be flavoured. It doesn’t have any germs. It is cheaper than\. some other drinks.\. 31 \bhe Pull the plug poster suggests th\.at some children should watch less t\.elevision. believe everything\. they see on telev\.ision. want more food advertising \.on television. dislike watching fo\.od advertising on \.television. Shade one bubble.

11 nap10_r7_0912© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 7 reaDING 32 See Mum? Normal people get to eat \pthose tasty snac\bs \pfive times an hour … \bhis comment shows how unhealthy most \.food advertising is\.. the influence childr\.en have on each ot\.her. that food advertisi\.ng aimed at children works well. how much television\. children tend to watch e\.very day. 33 Healthy kids grow up to be healthy\. adults. Which of the follow\.ing headings is cl\.osest to the meanin\.g of this statement\.? Thin\b water first! What’s the best drin\b? Good for \bids – goo\pd for life Choosing drin\bs for \pchildren 34 Both of these poste\.rs suggest that children always make unhe\.althy choices. there are many unhealthy ch\.oices available. there are not enough health\.y choices availabl\.e. parents don’t know ho\.w to make healthy c\.hoices. 35 Pull the plug on foo\pd advertising is a clever sloga\.n. Give a reason for this opin\.ion. Shade one bubble. Write your an\bwer on the line\b.

12 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_r7_0912 YEAR 7 reaDING read Hig\b-tec\b \belmet gets rig\bt inside su\Mrfer’s \bead on page 8 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 36 to 4\w2. 36 How does the high-\.tech helmet operate\.? \bhe coach communicat\.es over a video li\.nk. \bhe coach provides feedback usi\.ng film footage. \bhe surfer speaks to\. the coach using a \.microphone. \bhe surfer listens t\.o instructions through headphones. 37 The helmet will put\p the coach’s head on the athle\pte’s shoulders … What does this sugg\.est? Surfers will be abl\.e to coach themselv\.es. \bhe coach will see \.what surfers are seeing. \bhe coach will unde\.rstand what surfers\. are thinking. \bhe coach's instructions will be imme\.diate and relevant. 38 \bhe coaching process described in\. the second paragr\.aph emphasises how dangerous it is. inefficient it is. effective it is. creative it is. 39 What was Mark Elli\.s’s occupation before he invented the \.helmet? a waterski coach an organiser of surf expo\.s an inventor at a s\.urf academy a coach at the NSW\. Institute of Sport\. Shade one bubble.

13 nap10_r7_0912© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 7 reaDING 40 According to the text, Mark Ellis planne\.d to release an updated model in 2007. 2008. 2010. 2011. 41 \bhe next model of th\.e helmet will focus \.on safety features. interactive communic\.ation. long-distance tran\.smission. understanding of cur\.rent technology. 42 \bhe first two paragr\.aphs of the text summarise the main i\.dea. compare and contrast det\.ails. provide a solution to\. a problem. describe a problem to be solved.\. read From moo to roo on page 9 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b 43 to 4\w7. 43 In this text, the writer presents the kangaroo as a symbol of freedom. a marketable product. an environmental pest. an endangered species. Shade one bubble.

14 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_r7_0912 YEAR 7 reaDING 44 Why is the coal in\.dustry mentioned in\. this text? (Paragr\.aph 4) to give an example \.of an industry in d\.ecline to illustrate the e\.nergy needs of large industries to provide a comparison \.with the livestock\. industry to present an alternati\.ve viewpoint to th\.at of Garnaut 45 What does this art\.icle suggest about \.the cattle-farming \.community ’s response to Garnaut’s report? \bhey are disputing the report’s findings. \bhey have shown no \.interest in the report. \bhey are eager to engage \.Garnaut in discussi\.on. \bhey are willing to implem\.ent Garnaut’s suggestions. 46 Whose perspective \.does the writer se\.em to disregard? cattle farmers kangaroo farmers university researchers environmental experts 47 According to the text, what is the bigge\.st potential problem associated with in\.creased kangaroo meat production? the adverse impact \.on the environment farmers’ inability to produce enough meat lack of interest on the part of \.the consumers escalating costs a\.ssociated with farm\.ing kangaroo meat STOP – eND Of TeST Shade one bubble.

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16 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_r7_0912 YEAR 7 reaDING PraCTICe QUeSTIONS read Surf lifesavers on page 12 of the magazine and an\bwer que\btion\b P1 and \wP2. P1 What is the main to\.pic of this text? beaches surf lifesavers different cultures Australian society P2 \bhe writer supports\. men and women bein\.g surf lifesavers toda\.y. Give evidence from the text that su\.pports this opinio\.n. Shade one bubble. Write your an\bwer on the line\b.