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[PDF] 2011 Key Stage 2 Year 6 - Mathematics Test A B Mental Levels 3-5 Mark Schemes.pdf | Plain Text

National curriculu\Sm assessments 2011 Ma Mathematics tests Mark schemes Test A, Test B and mental mathematics KEY STAGE 2 LEVELS 3–5

QCDA wishes to mak\le its publications \lwidely accessible\b Please contact us if\l you have any specifi\lc accessibility requirements\b First published 2011 © Qualifications and \lCurriculum Developme\lnt Agency 2011 ISBN 978-1-84962-79\l1-7 Reproduction, storage, \ladaptation or trans\llation, in any form\l or by any means, o\lf this publication is\l prohibited without pr\lior written permis\lsion of the publish\ler, unless within the terms o\lf licences issued by \lthe Copyright Licen\lsing Agency\b Excerpts may be reproduced for the purpo\lse of research, private study, criticism or review, or by educational institut\lions solely for educa\ltional purposes, wi\lthout permission, \lprovided full acknowledgement \lis given\b Printed in Great Britain by QCDA\l under the authorit\ly and superintendenc\le of the Controller of Her Majest\ly’s Stationery Office and Queen’s Printer of Acts o\lf Parliament\b Qualifications and Cu\lrriculum Development\l Agency 53-55 Butts Road Earlsdon Park Coventry CV1 3BH www\bqcda\bgov\buk

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 1 Marking the mathemat\Sics tests As in 2010, externa\ll markers, employed \lby the external mar\lking agencies under\l contract to QCDA, will mark \lthe test papers\b Th\le markers will follo\lw the mark schemes \lin this booklet, which is s\lupplied to teachers \lfor information\b This booklet contai\lns the mark schemes\l for the levels 3–5\l tests A, B and men\ltal mathematics\b Level t\lhreshold tables will be\l available from the Pupil results section of the QCDA website at ww\lw\bqcda\bgov\buk/tests from Tuesday 5 July 2011\b General gu\bdance The structure of the mark sche\Vmes The marking inform\lation for each ques\ltion is set out in\l the form of tables\l, which start on page 6 of this boo\lklet\b The ‘Quest\bon’ column on the left\l-hand side of each t\lable provides a quick reference to the question numbe\lr and the question \lpart\b The ‘Mark’ column indicates t\lhe total number of \lmarks available for\l each question part\b On some occasi\lons the symbol may be shown in th\le ‘Mark’ column\b The\l ‘U’ indicates that ther\le is a Using and applying\c mathematics element in the que\lstion\b The number, 1, shows the num\lber of marks attri\lbuted to using and \lapplying mathematics\l in this question\b The ‘Requ\brement’ column may include \ltwo types of inform\lation: a statement of the\l requirements for the awa\lrd of each mark, wit\lh an indication of \l whether cr edit can be given f\lor correct working examples of some di\lfferent types of correct response\b The ‘Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance’ column indicates a\llternative acceptabl\le responses, and provides details of sp\lecific types of response which are unacceptable\b Othe\lr guidance, such as the range o\lf acceptable answers\l, is provided as necessary\b Additionally, for the mental ma\lthematics test, gen\leral guidance on mar\lking is given on page 18, followed by\l the marking infor\lmation for each que\lstion\b Apply\bng the mark sch\Vemes In order to ensure consistency of mar\lking, the most frequent procedural queries are listed on pages 2 an\ld 3 along with the \laction the marker w\lill take\b This is fo\lllowed by further guidance on\l pages 4 and 5 relating to the mark\ling of questions t\lhat involve money, time and other me\lasures\b Unless otherwis\le specified in the m\lark scheme, markers will apply t\lhe following guideli\lnes in all cases\b

What \bf… Mark\bng procedure The pupil’s response is numerically or alge\cbraically e\buivalent to the a\cnswer in the mark scheme. Markers will award the mark unless t\lhe mark scheme stat\les otherwise\b The pupil’s response does not match closely an\cy of the examples given. Markers will use th\leir judgement in de\lciding whether the \lresponse corresponds with the statement of the r\lequirements given in th\le ‘Requirement’ column\b Refer\lence will also be made to the addition\lal guidance and, if \lthere is still uncertain\lty, markers will conta\lct the supervising marker\l\b The pupil has responded in a non-standard way. Calculations, formul\lae and written responses do not hav\le to be set out in\l any particular form\lat\b Pupils may provide evidence in an\ly form as long as i\lts meaning can be u\lnderstood\b Diagrams,\l symbols or words are acceptable for exp\llanations or for in\ldicating a response\b Any correct method of setting o\lut working, howeve\lr idiosyncratic, will\l be accepted\b There appears to be a misreading affecting the working. This is when the p\lupil misreads the informatio\ln given in the que\lstion and uses different information withou\lt altering the orig\linal intention or d\lifficulty level of the q\luestion\b For each misread that occurs, one\l mark only will be de\lducted\b In one-mark questi\lons – 0 marks are awarded\b In two-mark questi\lons that have a me\lthod mark – 1 mark \lwill be awarded if the correct method is correctly implemented wit\lh the misread number\b No answer is given i\cn the expected place,\c but the correct answer is given elsewhere. Where a pupil has shown\l understanding of t\lhe question, the m\lark(s) will be give\ln\b In particular, where a word or number response is expected\l, a pupil may meet \lthe requirement by annotating\l a graph or labelling\l a diagram elsewher\le in the question\b The pupil’s answer is correct but the wrong working is shown. A correct response will always \lbe marked as correct\b The response in the answ\cer box is wrong, but the correct answer is shown\c in the working. Where appropriate, detailed gu\lidance will be given in the mark \lscheme, which marke\lrs will follow\b If no guidance is \lgiven, markers will\l examine each case t\lo decide whether: „ the incorr ect answer is due t\lo a transcription error „ the pupil has conti\lnued to give r edundant extra working which\l does not contradict\l work already done „ the pupil has conti\lnued to give r edundant extra working which\l does contradict wor\lk already done\b If so, the mark w\bll be awarded\b If so, the mark w\bll be awarded\b If so, the mark w\bll not be awarded\b 2 2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes \beneral guidance

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes \beneral guidance What \bf… Mark\bng procedure The correct response has been crossed out and not replaced. Any legible crossed-out work that\l has not been replaced will be marke\ld according to the mark scheme\b If the work\l is replaced, then crossed-out work will \lnot be considered\b More than one answer \c is given. If all answers are correct (or a range of \lanswers is given, \lall of which are correct), the mark will \lbe awarded unless prohibited by the mar\lk scheme\b If both co\lrrect and incorrect responses are given, no mark will be awa\lrded\b The answer is correct but, in a later par\ct of the \buestion, the pupil\c has contradicted this response. A mark given for o\lne part will not be\l disallowed for work\ling or answers giv\len in a different part, unless the mark sch\leme specifically state\ls otherwise\b The pupil has drawn\c lines which do not meet at\c the correct point. Markers will interp\lret the phrase ‘slig\lht inaccuracies in d\lrawing’ to mean ‘w\lithin or on a circle of radius 2mm with cent\lre at the correct point’\b within the circle accepted on the circle accepted outside the circle not accepted Record\bng marks awarded on the test pape\Vr In the margin there is a marking spa\lce alongside each qu\lestion part\b For the mental math\lematics test, the e\lxternal marker will \lrecord ‘1’ for a correct response or ‘0’ otherwise\b For the written te\lsts, the external m\larker will record one of the followi\lng in each marking \lspace: ‘1’ for a correct response ‘0’ for an incorrect response ‘−‘ if no response is made\b A two-mark questio\ln which is correct will have ‘1’ en\ltered in both marking \lspaces\b A two-mark \l question which is i\lncorrect, but which has \lsufficient evidence of w\lorking or method as\l required by the mark scheme, wi\lll have ‘1’ entered in the first mark\ling space and ‘0’ i\ln the second\b Otherw\lise ‘0’ will be entered in both marking \lspaces, unless no r\lesponse is made in \lwhich case ‘−’ will \lbe entered in both marking \lspaces\b For the written te\lsts, the total numb\ler of marks gained \lon each double page \lwill be written in \lthe space at the bottom\l of the right-hand \lpage\b For all of the\l tests, the total n\lumber of marks gai\lned on each paper will b\le recorded on the front of the test pa\lper\b Test A carries a tot\lal of 40 marks\b Test B also carries \la total of 40 marks\l\b The mental mathem\latics test carries a tota\ll of 20 marks\b The 2011 key stage 2 mathem\latics tests and mar\lk schemes were developed by the \l Test Development Team at Pearson Res\learch and Assessment o\ln behalf of QCDA\b 3

4 2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes \beneral guidance Mark\bng spec\bfic types \Vof quest\bon – summar\Vy of add\bt\bonal gu\bda\Vnce Responses involvin\ g money AcceptDo not accept Where the £ s\bgn \bs g\bven for example: £3.20, £7 £ £3\b20 £7 £7\b00 Any unambiguous ind\lication of the corr\l ect amount, eg £3\b20p £3 20 pence £3 20 £3,20 £3-20 £3:20 Incorrect placement of pou\lnds or pence, eg £320 £320p Incorrect placement of deci\lmal point, or incor\lrect use or omission of 0, \leg £3\b2 £3 200 £32 0 £3-2-0 Where the p s\bgn \bs g\bven for example: 40p p 40p Any unambiguous ind\lication of the corr\lect amount, eg £0\b40p Incorrect or ambiguous us\le of pounds or penc\le, eg 0\b40p £40p Where no s\bgn \bs g\bven for example: £3.20, 40p £3\b20 40p 320p £0\b40 Any unambiguous ind\lication of the corr\l ect amount, eg £3\b20p £0\b40p £3 20 pence £\b40p £3 20 £\b40 £3,20 40 £3-20 0\b40 £3:20 3\b20 320 3 pounds 20 Incorr ect or ambiguous us\le of pounds or penc\le, eg £320 £40 £320p £40p £3\b2 0\b4 3\b20p 0\b40p

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes \beneral guidance 5 Responses involvin\ g time AcceptDo not accept A t\bme \bnterval for example: 2 hours 30 minutes2 hours 30 minutes Any unambiguous, co\lrrect indication, eg 2 1 2 hours 2\b5 hours 2h 30 2h 30 min 2 30 150 minutes 150 Digital electronic time, ie 2:30 Incorrect or ambiguous ti\lme interval, eg 2\b30 2-30 2,30 230 2\b3 2\b3 hours 2\b3h 2h 3 2\b30 min A spec\bfic t\bme for example: 8:40am, 17:20 8:40am 8:40 twenty to nine Any unambiguous, co\lrrect indication, eg 08\b40 8\b40 0840 8 40 8-40 8,40 Unambiguous change \lto 12 or 24 hour cloc\lk, eg 17:20 as 5:20pm or 1\l7:20pm Incorrect time, eg 8\b4am 8\b40pm Incorrect placement of sep\larators, spaces, et\lc or incorrect use or omission\l of 0, eg 840 8:4:0 8\b4 084 Responses involvin\ g measures Accept Do not accept Where un\bts are g\bven (eg kg, m, l) for example: 8.6kg kg 8\b6kg Any unambiguous ind\lication of the corr\lect measurement, eg 8\b60kg 8\b6000kg 8kg 600g Incorrect or ambiguous us\le of units, eg 8600kg Note If a pupil leaves t\lhe answer box empt\ly but writes the an\lswer elsewhere on the page, the\ln that answer must\l be consistent with\l the units given in the\l answer box and the\l conditions listed a\lbove\b If a pupil changes \lthe unit given in \lthe answer box, th\len their answer mu\lst be equivalent to\l the correct answer using th\le unit they have chosen, unless\l otherwise indicate\ld in the mark schem\le\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 6 Test A quest\bons 1– 8 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 1 845 1m 2 5 × 6 − 30 OR 5 × 8 − 40 1m 3a 3b 450 125 1m 1mAccept an answer in\l the range 440 to \l460 inclusive\b 4 Five coins which to\ltal £1\b60, ie £1 20p 20p 10p 10p OR 50p 50p 20p 20p 20p OR 50p 50p 50p 5p 5p 1m U1 Coins may be given \lin any order\b 5 A AND D AND E 1mLetters may be give\ln in any order\b 6a 6b 54 63 1m 1m 7a 7b 7:55am 40 minutes 1m 1mThe answer is a sp\lecific time (see page 5 for gu\lidance)\b The answer is a ti\lme interval (see page 5 for gu\lidance)\b 8 Award TWO marks for all three pairs of number\ls correct as shown: 5 + 6 3 + 7 1 + 8 2 + 4 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for two pairs of numbers co\lrrect\b Up to 2m U1 Numbers within pai\lrs may be given in \leither order\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 7 Test A quest\bons 9–13 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 9 Two numbers circled as shown: 255 650 735 900 995 1m Accept alternative u\lnambiguous indicati\lons, eg numbers ticked, crossed or underlined\b 10 Diagram completed as\l shown: 1m Accept inaccurate dra\lwing provided the intentio\ln is clear\b 11 Award TWO marks for all four\l symbols correct, as shown: < > = > If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for three symbols correct\b Up to 2m 12 Award TWO marks for the corr\lect answer of £3\b05\l If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate working, e\lg: „ £5\b00 – £1\b05 = £3\b9\l5 £7\b00 – £3\b95 = wr ong answer OR „ 7 – 5 = 2 2 + 1\b05 = wr ong answer Up to 2m Accept for ONE mark £305 OR £305p as evidence \l of appropriate working\b Working must be carr\lied through to reach an answer for the awa\lrd of ONE mark\b 13a 13b 14 C 1m 1m Accept 5

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 8 Test A quest\bons 14–18 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 14 Arrow drawn to 640, as\l shown: 0 100 900 grams 200 800 300 700 400 600 500 1m Arrow should be closer \lto 640 than to 620 \lor 660 Accept any unambiguo\lus indication of th\le correct point on the sc\lale, including an ar\lrow not originating from the centre of the dial\b Accept answer given\l on upper diagram p\lrovided no answer is given\l on lower diagram\b 15 An explanation whic\lh recognises that the \lshaded area is equivalent to\l one-third, eg: „‘ 2 6 is shaded and that \lis equivalent to 1 3‘ „‘ 2 out of 6 is the s\lame as 1 out of 3’\l „ ‘2 out of 6’ „‘ 2 6 is shaded and 4 6 is not shaded, whi\lch is the same as 1 3 shaded and 2 3 not shaded’ „ ‘Ther e are 3 squares, and 2 halves are shaded, and 2 halves make on\le whole’ „ ‘The two shaded tri\langles ar e the same as one \l square and that is one o\lut of three squares’ „ ’ 1 square out of 3’ „ ‘If you add the shad\led parts together i\lt makes one squar e’ „ 1m U1 No mark is awarded for circling ‘Yes’ alone\b Do not accept vague or in\lcomplete explanation\ls, eg: „ ’It’ s equivalent to 1 3‘ „‘ 1 3 is shaded and 2 3 is not shaded’ „ ‘ The two parts shade\ld add up to 1 3‘ „ ‘ Half of 2 squares are shaded’\b If ‘No’ is circled but a correct, unambiguous explanation is give\ln, then award the mark\b 16a 16b 16c 2 4 banana 1m 1m 1mDo not accept nuts and fru\lit bar\b Accept unambiguous \labbreviations or recognisable misspell\lings\b 17 22\b11 1m 18 4 1mAccept 21 AND 22 AND 23 AND 24

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 9 Test A quest\bons 19–21 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 19a 19b 16 A whole number in t\lhe range 180 to 19\l0 inclusive 1m 1m 20 47  ÷  100  =  0.47 AND 4.07  ×  10   =  40.7 1m Numbers within calcu\llations may be give\ln in either order\b 21 Award TWO marks for the corr\lect answer of 17 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate working wh\lich contains no more than ONE arithmetical error, eg: „ repeated addition/sub\ltraction methods, e\lg 5 44 − 320 10 × 32 22 4 − 160 5 × 32 64 − 64 2 × 32 0 wr ong answer „ repeated halving, eg\l 544 ÷ 2 = 272 272 ÷ 2 = 136 136 ÷ 2 = 68 68 ÷ 2 = 34 34 ÷ 2 = wr ong answer „ fraction method, eg\l 54432 = 136 8 = 34 2 = wrong answer „ short division algo\lrithm wrong answer 32 5 4 224 „ long division algori\lthm wrong answer 32 544 320 224 −224 0 Up to 2m In all cases accept f\lollow-through of ONE error in working\b Working must be carr\lied through to reach an answer for the awa\lrd of ONE mark\b Do not award any marks if the \lfinal answer is missing\b Variations on algori\lthms are acceptable, provided they represent a viable and \lcomplete method\b No mark is awarded for repeated addition/ subtraction/halving\l the wrong number of time\ls\b Short division meth\lods must be support\led by evidence of appropriate carrying fig\lures to indicate use of a di\lvision algorithm\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 10 Test A quest\bons 22–23 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 22a 22b Triangle drawn on th\le diagram as shown:\l Quarter circle drawn on the dia\lgram as shown above\b 1m 1m Accept inaccurate dra\lwing provided the intentio\ln is clear\b Triangle must be sha\lded\b Accept inaccurate dra\lwing provided the intentio\ln is clear\b The size of the qu\larter circle is not importan\lt, provided it does not t\louch the shaded rectangle\b Quarter circle need not be shad\led\b 23a 23b 13 for the x coordinate 15 for the y coordinate 1m U1 1m Accept unambiguous \lanswers written on\l the diagram\b Accept unambiguous \lanswers written on\l the diagram\b If the answer to 23\la is 15 AND the answer to 23b \l is 13, then award ONE mark for 23b\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 11 Test A quest\bon 24 Markers will use a \ltransparent overlay of this\l page to mark pupi\lls’ answers to this\l question\b A copy is\l enclosed\b 6 cm8 cm Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 24 Award TWO marks for a quadri\llateral drawn with an angle in the ran\lge 73° to 77° inclu\lsive AND length of sloping li\lne in the range 9\b1\lcm to 9\b3cm inclusive (ie upper\l vertex of quadrila\lteral within inner box on diagra\lm)\b If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for: „ a completed quadrilat\leral drawn with an \langle in the range 73° t\lo 77° inclusive OR „ a completed quadrilat\leral drawn with an \langle in the range 72° to\l 78° inclusive AND length of sloping line in the\l range 9\b0cm to 9\b4c\lm inclusive\b Up to 2m Accept drawings wher\le any side has been\l extended past a ver\ltex\b Accept drawings whic\lh do not use the gi\lven 8cm base line, provided they have use\ld a line with a length in the range\l 7\b8cm to 8\b2cm inclus\live\b Accept for ONE mark drawings not \lusing the given 8cm base line\l which have a base \lline outside the range 7\l\b8cm to 8\b2cm, provided they have an angle in th\le range 73° to 77°\l inclusive AND a sloping line in \lthe range 9\b1cm to \l9\b3cm inclusive\b Accept for ONE mark drawings of i\lncomplete quadrilaterals, provided they have an \langle in the range 73° to 77° i\lnclusive AND a sloping line in \l the range 9\b1cm to \l9\b3cm inclusive\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 12 Test A quest\bon 25 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 25 Award TWO marks for the corr\lect answer of 39 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate working, e\lg: „ 36 ÷ 3 = 12 36 ÷ 4 = 9 12 + 9 + 9 + 9 = wr\l ong answer OR „ 12 9 12 − 9 = 3 36 + 3 = wr ong answer Up to 2m U1 Accept for ONE mark an answer of\l 42 supported by appropriate working, e\lg 36 + 3 + 3 Working must be carr\lied through to reach an answer for the awa\lrd of ONE mark\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 13 Test B quest\bons 1–5 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 1 Number circled as shown: 70 120 85 111 909 1m Accept alternative u\lnambiguous indicati\lons, eg number ticked, crossed or underlined\b 2 Calculations complete\ld as shown: 10  +  30  =   40 20  +  30  =   50 1m Calculations may be \lgiven in either or\lder\b The first two numbe\lrs within each calcu\llation may be given in either\l order\b 3 Award TWO marks for one line\l of symmetry positioned correctly on each diagram\l as shown: If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for two diagrams completed co\lrrectly\b Up to 2m For the first diagra\lm, accept slight ina\lccuracies in drawing (see page 3\l for guidance)\b For the second and t\lhird diagrams, accept inaccurate drawing p\lrovided the intentio\ln is clear\b 4 Award TWO marks for four rows correct as shown: If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for three rows correct\b Up to 2m Accept alternative u\lnambiguous indicati\lons, eg û or Y\b 5a 5b 2\b5 OR 2 1 2 5 1m 1m

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 14 Test B quest\bons 6–13 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 6a 6b £63\b25 28 1m 1m 7a 7b 1 1 2 OR 1\b5 1 1m 1m 8 3 4 1m Accept equivalent fr\lactions or decimals\b 9 A AND D 1mLetters may be give\ln in either order\b 10a 10b 19 14 1m 1m 11 1 5 1m Accept equivalent fr\lactions, eg 3 15 Accept 0\b2 OR 20% 12 5 1m Do not accept a list of da\ltes\b 13 Award TWO marks for the corr\lect answer of 75 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate method, eg:\l „ 30 × 50 = 1500 1500 ÷ 20 OR „ 30 × 50p = £15 5 20p coins make £1 5 × 15 OR „ 50p ÷ 20p = 2\b5 30 × 2\b5 Up to 2m Answer need not be \lobtained for the aw\lard of ONE mark\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 15 Test B quest\bons 14–1\V8 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 14a 14b E D 1m 1m 15 Award TWO marks for a multip\lle of 15 which is greater than 100, eg\l 105 OR 120 OR 135 OR 150 OR 300 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate method, eg:\l „ 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 … 90 95 100 105 110 115 … „ 90 93 96 98 101 104 107 1 10 … 90 95 100 105 1 10 115 … „ 15 30 45 60 75 80 95 110 1 25 „ 3 × 5 × 20 OR 15 × 10 Up to 2m Accept more than one answer \lif all are correct\b Accept for ONE mark 30, 45, 60, \l75 OR 90 Not spotting matching\c number (105) One step size incor\crect (96 to 98) One step size incor\crect (75 to 80) Multiple greater than 100 but \cnot calculated Answer need not be \lobtained for the aw\lard of ONE mark\b 16 Masses in order, as shown: 1 2kg 800g 2 kg 1 tonne 1m Accept answers with\l missing or incorrect units\b 17 1 1 ×1 6 1m Numbers may be give\ln in either order\b 18 An explanation whic\lh gives a counter-example to illustrate that \lhalving a number th\lat ends in 8 does not always give\l a number ending in\l 4, eg: „’18 doesn’ t work’ „‘It could end in a 9\l’ „‘Double 49 is 98’ „’58 ÷ 2 = 29’ „‘Half of 8 is 4 but\l half of 18 doesn’ t end in 4’ „’18, 28, 38, 48, 58\l, 68 – only half of \lthem work’ „‘It has to have an\l even number of 10\ls, like 28 or 88’ „ ‘38’ 1m U1 No mark is awarded for circling ‘No’ alone\b Do not accept vague or in\lcomplete explanation\ls, eg: „ ‘Half of them don’ t’ „‘Half of 28 is 14’ „‘Double 44 is 88’ If ‘Y es’ is circled but a correct, unambiguous explanation is give\ln, then award the mark\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 16 Test B quest\bons 19–2\V2 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 19 Award TWO marks for the corr\lect answer of 16 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate method, eg:\l „ 56 ÷ 7 = 8 2 × 8 OR „ 7 quarter -circles 2 triangles 14 quarter -circles 4 triangles 28 quarter -circles 8 triangles 56 quarter -circles … Up to 2m Answer need not be \lobtained for the aw\lard of ONE mark\b 20a 20b 07:33 07:35 1m 1mThe answer is a sp\lecific time (see page 5 for gu\lidance)\b The answer is a sp\lecific time (see page 5 for gu\lidance)\b 21 An explanation whic\lh recognises that ther\le are two counters labelle\ld 35 and only one cou\lnter labelled 45, eg: „‘For 35 ther e’s a white and a green, but for 45 there’s only a green’ „ ‘Ther e are two 35s and one 4\l5’ „‘Ther e are twice as many 35s\l as 45s’ „‘The only 45 is gr een’ „‘Ther e is only one 45’ „‘White counters onl\ly go up to 40, so 35 would be more likely to win’ „ 35  W 35  G 45  G 1m U1 No mark is awarded for circling ‘Yes’ alone\b Do not accept vague or in\lcomplete explanation\ls, eg: „ ‘Ther e are more counters below 40\l’ „’45 is gr een’ „‘White goes up to \l40’ „‘Ther e are more greens’\b If ‘No’ is circled but a correct, unambiguous explanation is give\ln, then award the mark\b 22 Award TWO marks for all four\l letters in the cor\lrect order as shown:  99 J  29   G – 83   A –15   \b  44   H If the answer is i\lncorr ect, award ONE mark for three letters correct\b Up to 2m

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 17 Test B quest\bons 23–2\V6 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 23 Diagram completed co\lrrectly as shown: 1m Accept slight inaccur\lacies in drawing (see page 3 for gu\lidance)\b 24 60% 1m U1 25 Award TWO marks for Joe   10  AND   16 AND \bev   9  AND   15 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for: „ three numbers correctly attributed OR „ 9 AND 10 AND 15 AND 16 with some or a\lll attributed to the w\lrong child\b Up to 2m U1 Joe’s even numbers may \lbe given in either\l order\b Dev’s odd numbers may be\l given in either o\lrder\b 26 Award TWO marks for the corr\lect answer of 3\b6 If the answer is i\lncorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of an appr\lopriate method, eg:\l „ 10 ÷ 0\b05 = 200 200 × 1\b8 = 360 360 ÷ 100 OR „ 20 5p coins make £1 200 5p coins make £1\l0 200 × 0\b018 Up to 2m Answer must be in \lmetr es for the award of TWO marks\b Accept for ONE mark 360 centimetr\les\b If the answer is i\lncorrect, accept for ONE mark an answer of 36 multip\llied by any power of\l 10 with no evidence of an i\lncorrect method\b Answer need not be \lobtained for the aw\lard of ONE mark\b

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 18 Mark scheme for the\S mental mathematics test Apply\bng the mark sch\Veme Please note that pu\lpils will not be pen\lalised if they record any information g\liven in the question or show t\lheir working\b Marke\lrs will ignore any annotation, e\lven if in the answ\ler space, and mark only\l the answer\b Markers will accept\l an unambiguous an\lswer written in the stimulus box, o\lr elsewhere on the page\b Full mark scheme inf\lormation is given \lon page 20\b In additi\lon, a ‘quick reference’ mark scheme is provided on page 19\b T\lhis is presented in a simila\lr format to the pu\lpil’s answer sheet\b General gu\bdance The general guidance\l for marking the w\lritten tests also a\lpplies to marking t\lhe mental mathematics test\b I\ln addition, the foll\lowing principles ap\lply\b 1\b Unless stated other\lwise in the mark s\lcheme, accept answer\ls written in wor ds, or a combination of wo\lrds and figures\b 2\b Wher e units are specified, they are given on the ans\lwer sheet\b Pupils a\lre not penalised for writi\lng in the units ag\lain\b 3\b Wher e answers are required to be ringed, do \lnot accept if more than one answer \lis ringed, unless it i\ls clear which is the\l pupil’s intended answer\b Accept also any oth\ler way of indicating th\le correct answer, eg underlining\b

19 Mental mathemat\bcs \V2011 qu\bck reference mark scheme Practice question 4 7.5 Accept 7 1 2 Time: 5 seconds 1 6204 2 28 5 65   mm 3 4250 7 180 Time: 10 seconds 6 £     5 9 3 Accept 9r3 or remainder 3 8 75     min 14 200 Do not accept 200% 15 41 13 621 11 416 12 15    20     25     40     45 10 1.3 Time: 15 seconds 16 £1.10 18 114 20 0.999 17 18    cm 19 21

2011 KS2 Mathematics t\Sests mark schemes 20 Mental mathemat\bcs \Vquest\bons 1–20 Quest\bonRequ\brement Mark Add\bt\bonal gu\bdance 1 6204 1mAnswer must be in \lfigures\b 2 28 1m 3 4250 1m 4 7\b5 1m Accept 7 1 2 5 65mm 1m 6 £5 1m 7 180 1m 8 75 minutes 1m 9 3 1mAccept 9r3 Accept remainder 3 10 1\b3 1m 11 416 1m 12 15 20 25 40 451m Accept alternative u\lnambiguous indicati\lons, eg underlining\b Do not accept if more than one answer \lis indicated unless the\l intention is clear\l\b 13 621 1m 14 200 1m Do not accept 200% 15 41 1m 16 £1\b10 1m 17 18cm 1m 18 114 1m 19 21 1m 20 0\b999 1m

Qual\bf\bcat\bons and Curr\bculum Development Agency 53−55 Butts Road Earlsdon Park Coventry CV1 3BH Telephone 0300 303 3013 Textphone 0300 303 3012 Fax: 0300 303 3014 Email: assessments@qcda\bgov\l\buk www\bqcda\bgov\buk/tests For more cop\bes QCDA Orderline, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN Tel: 0300 303 3015 Fax: 0300 303 3016 Email: orderline@qcda\bgov\buk Website: orderline\bqcda\bgov\buk QCDA/11/5231 (Mark schemes pack) 1070\b01