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Work as quickly and as carefully as you can. You have45 minutesfor this test. If you cannot do one of the questions, go on to the next one. You can come back to it later, if you have time. If you finish before the end, go back and check your work. Follow the instructions for each question carefully. This shows where you need to put the answer. If you need to do working out, you can use any space on a page. Some questions have an answer box like this: For these questions you may get a mark for showing your method. Instructions Yo umayuse a calculator to answer any questions in this test.

4 Write in the missing numbers. 37 t = 111 225m=150 } 4 = 21 1 Here are five digit cards. Use all five digit cards once to make this sum correct. + 60 5 4 3 2 1 2 „ 1a 1 mark „ 1b 1 mark „ 1c 1 mark „ 2 1 mark

Total out of 6 5 Here is a clock. How many minutes is it untilthis clock shows 7:30? Here is another clock. What time will the clock show in 20 minutes? minutes 3 „ 3a 1 mark „ 3b 1 mark

6 There are 5 balloons in a packet. Kofi needs 65 balloons. How many packetsdoes he need? There are 5 balloonsin a packet. There are 18 packetsin a box. How many balloons are there altogether in a box? 4 „ 4a 1 mark „ 4b 1 mark

Total out of 3 7 Here is a design and a mirror line. Whichoneof the designs below is the reflection of the design in the mirror line? T ick ( ) the correct design. mirror line 5 „ 5 1 mark

8 Some children collect cans for recycling. Here is a chart of how many cans they collect in the first week. How many cans has Kevin collected? Alice’s targetis to collect 30cans. How many morecans does Alice need to reach her target? 6 „ 6a 1 mark „ 6b 1 mark

Total out of 5 9 Hayley makes a sequence of numbers. Her rule is ‘find half the last number then add 10’ Write in the next two numbers in her sequence. 36 28 24 7 Here is the net of a cube with no top. The shaded square shows the bottom of the cube. Draw an extra square to make the net of a cube which does have a top. 8 „ 8 1 mark „ 7ii 2 marks „ 7i

10 These are the prices in a fish and chip shop. Luke has £3 He wants to buy one fish, peas and two large bags of chips. How much moremoney does he need? 9 „ 9ii 2 marks „ 9i

Total out of 4 11 Drawtwo straight linesfrom point Ato divide the shaded shape into a square and two triangles. 10 The temperature insidean aeroplane is 20° C. The temperature outsidethe aeroplane is –30° C. What is the differencebetween these temperatures? degrees 11 „ 10 1 mark „ 11 1 mark

12 Karen makes a fraction using two number cards. She says, ‘My fraction is equivalent to One of the number cards is 6’ What could Karen’s fraction be? Give both possible answers. 1 2 ? or ? 12 Write what the threemissing digits could be in this calculation. t =378 13 „ 12ii 2 marks „ 12i „ 13 1 mark

Total out of 6 13 14 Here is a diagram for sorting numbers. Writeone numberin each white section of the diagram. „ 14ii 2 marks „ 14i Write these lengths in order, starting with the shortest. shortest 20cm 25mm 3.5cm m 1 2 15 „ 15 1 mark

14 In this sequence each number is double the previous number. Write in the missing numbers. 3 6 12 24 48 16 Here are the startandfinishtimes of some children doing a sponsored walk. How much longer did Claire take than Tim? minutes 17 „ 16ii 2 marks „ 16i „ 17 1 mark

Total out of 5 15 18 This fence has three posts, equally spaced. Each post is 15 centimetreswide. The length of the fence is 153 centimetres. Calculate the length of one gapbetween two posts. cm Not to scale „ 18ii 2 marks „ 18i

16 k,mandneach stand for a whole number. They add together to make 1500 k+m+n =1500 misthree timesas big as n. kistwiceas big as n. Calculate the numbers k,mandn. n = m = k = 20 Calculate of980 3 8 19 „ 19 1 mark „ 20ii 2 marks „ 20i

Total out of 6 17 Cheddar cheese costs £7.50 for 1kg. Marie buys 200 grams of cheddar cheese. How much does she pay? Cream cheese costs £3.60 for 1kg. Robbie buys a pot of cream cheese for 90p. How many grams of cream cheese does he buy?£ grams 21 „ 21a 1 mark „ 21bii 2 marks „ 21bi

18 22 Here is a square spinner. Look at these statements. For each one put a tick ( ) if it is correct. Put a cross (  ) if it is not correct. ‘4’ is the most likelyscore. ‘2’ and ‘4’ are equally likelyscores. Odd and even scores are equally likely. A score of ‘3’ or more is as likely asa score of less than ‘3’. „ 22ii 2 marks „ 22i

19 250 000people visited a theme park in one year. 15%of the people visited in April and 40%of the people visited in August. How many people visited the park in the rest of the year? 24 This diagram shows four regular hexagons. Shade in one thirdof the diagram. 23 Total out of 5 „ 24ii 2 marks „ 24i „ 23 1 mark

254911 © Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 2003 QCA key stage 2 team, 83 Piccadilly, London W1J 8QA Order refs: QCA/03/1014 (pupil pack) QCA/03/1009 (mark schemes pack)