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[PDF] NAPLAN 2013 Final Test Reading Year 3.pdf | Plain Text

3 year 2 013 Use 2B or HB pencil only © Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2013 0:45 Time available for students to complete test: 45 minutes rea DING

read Earthworms on page 2 of the magazine and answer questions 1 to 6. 1Earthworms like soil that is hot and wet. cool and crunchy. dark and damp. light and airy. 2Earthworms have no arms, legs or eyes. arms, legs and eyes. arms and legs only. no arms or legs, but they do have eyes. 3Which animals eat earthworms? silkworms slaters snakes bees 4Earthworms use the hairs on their bodies to eat. move. grow. breathe. 2 year 3 READING aCara 2013

5Why are earthworms important? They are tasty to eat. They make the soil healthy. They live in dark, damp places. They have stiff hair. 6The main purpose of the text is to tell the reader where earthworms live. how earthworms make tunnels. when earthworms wriggle. why earthworms are needed. read Eggs on page 3 of the magazine and answer questions 7 to 12. 7Why are eggs popular? They float in water. They are simple to cook. They have strong shells. They have yellow yolks. 3 year 3 READING aCara 2013

8According to the text, which food is made using eggs? rice milk butter spaghetti 9What is another name for the eggwhite? albumen mineral protein water 10 What makes a yolk dark yellow? the hen’s food the age of the egg the colour of the shell the vitamins in the egg 11What does the table at the bottom of the page show? how heavy eggs can be how long to cook an egg how best to keep eggs fresh how to check the age of eggs 4 year 3 reaDING aCara 2013

12 How old is this egg? more than 2 weeks old about 2 weeks old just over 1 week old 3—6 days old read The story of Thunder and Lightning on page 4 of the magazine and answer questions 13 to 18. 13According to the text, the people in the village asked Lightning to stop burning their huts. the two sheep to leave the village. Thunder to make her son behave properly. the king for help with their troubles. 14(an elderly female) The brackets ( ) contain a caption. a definition. a quotation. a description. 5 year 3 READING aCara 2013

15The villagers appear to be lazy. violent. powerless. disorganised. 16The king hoped that by sending Thunder and Lightning away he could put out the fires. keep his people safe. make the people scared of him. avoid seeing the villagers. 17Lightning obeyed the king’s orders by stopping the fires. moving from the village. listening to his mother. controlling his anger. 18In the last paragraph, his angry ‘fire’ refers to bushfires. wind and rain. burning crops. lightning bolts. 6 year 3 reaDING aCara 2013

read An interview with Andy Griffiths on page 5 of the magazine and answer questions 19 to 24. 19When does Andy Griffiths use a computer for his stories? after he has written something by hand as soon as he gets a new idea at the end of every day when he travels 20According to the text, why does Andy Griffiths like to write when he is travelling? He has time to write by hand. He remembers to bring his journal. He gets many ideas from things he sees. He focuses better when he is away from home. 21Andy Griffiths says he would like X-ray vision if he could use it for his writing. have normal vision sometimes. install it on his computer. only use it when he travels. 22Andy Griffiths likes Alice in Wonderland because it has lots of funny twists. was written by Dr Seuss. has some disgusting characters. teaches you new things. 7 year 3 READING aCara 2013

23Andy Griffiths thinks that writing for children is tiring. enjoyable. difficult. relaxing. 24Andy Griffiths quotes Dr Seuss in order to give advice. tell a story. warn people. remember a friend. read Kaiya goes hunting on page 6 of the magazine and answer questions 25 to 30. 25What made the low humming noise in paragraph 1? the clap sticks a didgeridoo a billabong the campfire 26When Goolara said “I’m coming ”, why did Kaiya sigh? His mind was focused on the wallabies. He didn’t want Goolara to wake everyone up. He knew he couldn’t stop Goolara from following. He was very tired and had a long way to go. 8 year 3 READING aCara 2013

27When the sound of Goolara’s footsteps faded, Kaiya stopped because he had lost his way. was getting out of breath. wanted to see where she was going. thought he heard a wallaby. 28Why did Kaiya slow down as he neared the billabong? He had to get his spear ready. He could smell the sweet grass. He could see a wallaby grazing. He was concerned about Goolara. 29Which words in the second half of the text tell readers that Kaiya became frightened? crept closer hiding behind the trees the long grass exploded edged backwards 30The text is mainly about Kaiya’s skill as a hunter. role in the gathering. relationship with his sister. attempt to be independent. 9 year 3 reaDING aCara 2013

read Adopt-a-Dog on page 7 of the magazine and answer questions 31 to 36. 31Write the correct letter in each box to label the different parts of this text. A – Description B – Contact details C – Introduction D – Example of success E – Title 32 Who wrote this text? the vet Candy’s family someone at Adopt-a-Dog the Evans family 33The writer tells the reader that Candy is more interesting than a cat. a fish. a pony. a dog. 10 year 3 READING aCara 2013

34Write the numbers 1 to 4 in the boxes to show the order of events in Candy’s life that are given in the text. Candy is ready for her new home. Candy was given to Adopt-a-Dog. Adopt-a-Dog took Candy to the vet. Candy’s family decided to move overseas. 35What is used in paragraph 4 to convince the reader to adopt Candy? descriptive words humour expert opinion facts 36Which sentence from the text shows that Candy would be a very good pet? Candy is now searching for a new family. “He loves to be walked and to play with the kids. ” Kids, are you having trouble convincing your parents? You would have to be barking mad to miss out. STOP – eND Of TeST 11 year 3 reaDING aCara 2013

12 YEAR 3 reaDING © ACARA 2013 PraCTICe QUeSTIONS read Sara’s early morning on page 8 of the magazine and answer questions P1 to P2.  P1 What did Sara plan to do on Saturday morning? homework play football go horseriding make breakfast  P2 Write the numbers 1 to 4 in the boxes to show the order of events in the text. Sara put on football boots. Sara went back to bed. Sara got up early. Sara put on her shirt.