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[PDF] 2010 Key Stage 2 Year 6 - Mathematics Test A Levels 3-5.pdf | Plain Text

Test A Calculator not allowed First name Last name School DCSF no. LEVELS 3–5 \bEY STAGE 2 Ma 2010 Mathematics test For marker’s use only Page Marks 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 TOTAL

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Instructions You may not use a calculator t\.o answer any quest\.ions in this test. Work as quickly and as carefully as you can. You ha\be 45 minutes for this test. If you cannot do on\.e of the questions,\. go on to the next o\xne. You can come back to it later, if you ha\be time. If you finish before the end, go back and check your work. \bollow the instructions for each que\xstion carefully. This shows where you need to put t\.he answer. If you need to do wo\.rking out, you can u\.se any space on a \.page. Some questions hav\xe an answer box like\x this: For these question\.s you may get a mar\.k for showing your w\.orking. 3

4 Write these prices \.in order, starting with the\. smallest. 72p £ 2.70 £ 0.27£ 7.20 £ 2.07 smallest 1 1 mark 1 Amy chooses two of \.these cards. 11 23 33 43 She adds the number\.s on her two cards together. She rounds the result to the nearest 10 Her answer is 60 Which two cards did Amy choose? and 2 1 mark 2

5 Total out of 4 This table shows s\.ix different types of cat an\.d where they are found in the world. Europe and Middle East Asia Africa Jungle cat Wildcat Tiger Lion Cheetah Leopard Use this table to \.answer these quest\.ions. Which type of cat i\.s found only in Africa? 3a 1 mark Which types of cat \.are found in all three parts of the wor\.ld? 3b 1 mark 3

6 Liam, Sarah and Amy\. buy lunch at a sa\.lad bar. salad bar SaladsDesserts cheese £1.20 banana 25p egg 90papple pie 50p tuna £1.60 yogurt 35p Liam has £ 2.50 to spend. He buys a tuna sal\.ad and an apple pie\.. How much money has\. he got left? p 4a 1 mark Sarah buys a chees\.e salad and a yogurt\.. Amy buys an egg sala\.d. How much more does Sarah pay tha\.n Amy? 4bi 4bii 2 marks 4

7 Total out of 6 Write these times i\.n order, starting with the\. shortest. 24 days 10 weeks 1 month 48 hours shortest 5 1 mark 5 In this diagram the \.rule is‘to make the numbe\yr in a triangle, multiply the number\ys in the two squares\y above it\b. Write in the three missing numbers. 6 3 8 10 18 32 6i 6ii 2 marks 6

8 Calculate 336 – 192 7 1 mark 7 Each of these four \.squares has been cut in\.to two new shapes. AB E F CD G H Write the letters o\.f all the new shape\.s that are hexagons. 8a 1 mark Write the letters o\.f all the new shape\.s that are pentagons. 8b 1 mark 8

9 Total out of 4 A book has fi\be sto\.ries in it. This is the conten\.ts page. Contents page Rocket Ship 5 Night Journey 17 Secret Palace 25 Jack 41 Deep Water 59 Deep Water finishes on pa\.ge 68 Which is the longest\. story? 9 1 mark 9

10 Here is a Carroll diagram for sort\.ing numbers. Write these five numbers in the co\.rrect places on the \.diagram. 990 49 7002 247 25 odd not odd a 3-digit number not a 3-digit number 10i 10ii 2 marks 10 Calculate 634 × 6 11 1 mark 11

11 Total out of 5 Big Wheel £2.50 each ride Roller coaster £1.50 each ride Liam spends £14 altogether on the\. Big Wheel and the R\.ollercoaster. He goes on the Big W\.heel twice. How many times does\. he go on the Rolle\.rcoaster? 12i 12ii 2 marks 12

12 Liam has two different sizes of rectangle. 45 cm 20cm He makes this patt\.ern with them. A B Calculate the lengt\.hs of A and B. A = cm 13a 1 mark B = cm 13b 1 mark 13 Not actual size

13 Total out of 5 Here are fi\be number cards. 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 Use three of the number cards to make this cal\.culation correct. + × = 10 14 1 mark 14 An iced cake costs \.10p more than a plain cak\.e. Sarah bought two of \.each cake. They cost £1 altoge\.ther. What is the cost of\. an iced cake? p 15i 15ii 2 marks 15

14 Amy has some circular tiles and som\.e rectangular tiles. She makes these pa\.tterns with them. For each pattern, put a tick ( ) if it has a line \.of symmetry. Put a cross ( ) if it does not. 16 16i 16ii 2 marks

15 Total out of 5 Three different numbers add up to \.40 The numbers are all e\ben. Each number is les\.s than 20 Write what the three different numbers could be. + + = 40 17 1 mark 17 Liam makes a seque\.nce of numbers star\.ting with 300 He subtracts 125 e\.ach time. Write the next two \.numbers in Liam’s sequence. 300 175 50 18 18a 1 mark 18b 1 mark

16 Here is a grid of dots. Point A and point B are joined by a strai\.ght line. Draw a line to joi\.n point A to another dot on \.the grid so that the two li\.nes make a right an\.gle. Use a ruler. B A 19 19 1 mark

17 Total out of 4 7 cm length The perimeter of th\.is rectangle is 50 cent\.imetres. Calculate the lengt\.h of the rectangle. cm 21i 21ii 2 marks 21 Not actual size Circle the fraction th\.at is greater than 1 2 but less than 3 4 7 8 2 5 1 3 5 8 3 6 20 1 mark 20

18 A shop sells books\., CDs and DVDs. This pie chart sho\.ws the sales of eac\.h in one week. CDs DVDs Books Estimate the fraction of the total sales\. that were DVDs. 22a 1 mark In this week, 200 \.CDs were sold. Estimate how many \.books were sold. 22b 1 mark 22

19 Total out of 4 Write the missing nu\.mber to make this \.calculation correct. 11 × = 1111 23 1 mark 23 Here is a quadrilatera\.l on a square grid. The quadrilateral i\.s translated so tha\.t point A mo\bes to point B. Draw the quadrilate\.ral in its new pos\.ition.Use a ruler. B A 24 24 1 mark

20 Sarah had a bag of c\.herries. She ate 5 cherries\., then ga\be half of w\.hat she had left to\. Liam. Liam ate 5 of his cherries, then ga\be half of what he had left to Amy. Amy got 2 cherries. How many cherries \.did Sarah ha\be in he\.r bag at the start?\. 25i 25ii 2 marks 25

21 Total out of 3 If you know 40% of a number, explain how you \.could work out the \. original number. 26 1 mark 26

End of test

QCDA/10/4482 (Pupil pac\b) © Qualifications and Curriculum Authority 2010 QCDA/10/4477 (Mar\b schemes pac\b) 298171