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[PDF] 2005 Key Stage 2 Year 6 - Science Test B Levels 3-5.pdf | Plain Text

TEST BFirst NameLast NameSchoolPAGE MARKS5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 TOTALBorderline CheckSCIENCEKEY STAGE 2 2005TEST BLEVELS3–5

3INSTRUCTIONSRead this carefully.Answers This shows where you will need to put your answer. For some questions you may need to draw an answer instead of writing one.You have 45 minutesfor this test.Some questions may have a box like this for you to write down your thoughts and ideas.


5Total1The heart(a) Denise uses a stethoscope. She listens to Joe’s heartbeat before Joe exercises. As soon as Joe stops exercising, Denise listens again. Joe’s heartbeat is louder. Describe one other change in Joe’s heartbeat straight after exercise compared with before exercise. ................................................................................................................ (b) Denise and Joe collect information from four adults. The table shows what they find out. Which TWOadults are most likely to have healthy hearts? Write A,B,C, or D. ................................................... and ....................................................1a 1 mark1b 1 markAdult A B C DExercises regularlyEats a balanced dietSmokes regularly✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   ✓Cleans teeth regularly  ✓ ✓

622a 1 mark2b 1 markShadows(a) Lucy makes a shadow of a puppet on a screen. She investigates how changing the distance of the light from the puppet affects the size of the shadow. What equipment should she use to measure the distance of the light from the puppet? ................................................................................................................ (b) What unit of measurement should she use to measure the distance of the light from the puppet? Tick ONEbox.cmºCkmNg

7Total2c 1 mark2d 1 mark(c) What factor should she change as she carries out her test? Tick ONEbox. where the children sit colour of the screen brightness of the light position of the light position of the screen the size of the puppet (d) What factor should she measure to collect her results? Tick ONEbox. The height of the... light shadow table puppet screen reflection (e) What factors must she keep the same as she carries out her test? Tick THREEboxes. where the children sit colour of the screen position of the puppet position of the light position of the screen size of the puppet2ei 1 mark2eii 1 mark

833a 1 mark3b 1 markAnimals(a) Some children are reading a book about an octopus. Some animals have sharp claws to catch hold of their prey. Which feature of the octopus helps it to catch hold of its prey? Use the book to help you. ................................................................................................................ (b) How does changing colour to match the rocks help the octopus toprotectitself? ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................Octopus An octopus has eight tentacles with suckers. The octopus lives in the sea. It can change colour to match the rocks. Here is part of the octopus food chain: crab octopuseeltentaclesucker

9TotalDoes the animal live in water?Does the animal have a skeleton inside?Does the animal have a hard shell?Does the animal have a hard shell?yesno yesnoyes noyes noyes no Does the animal have a skeleton inside?slow wormearthworm terrapindog- fishdog whelkjellyfish (c) The key below can be used to identify some animals. Use the information in the key to help you circle the animals in the box below that do nothave a skeleton inside their bodies. Circle all the correct answers. terrapin dogfish dog whelk jellyfish slow worm earthworm (d) Use the key to write threefacts about a terrapin. 1. ............................................................................................................. 2. ............................................................................................................. 3. .............................................................................................................3ci 1 mark3cii 1 mark3di 1 mark3dii 1 mark

1044a 1 markSolids, liquids and gases(a) Kenny writes 5 statements about materials. How has Kenny collected this information? Tick ONEbox. by fair testing by observing by measuring by modelling (b) Some of Kenny’s friends describe their ideas about solids, liquids and gases. Which of Kenny’s statements can be used to argue against Sally’s idea? Tick ONEbox.Only liquids can be poured.SallyABCDE4b 1 mark

11Total(c) Which of Kenny’s statements can be used to support Jo’s idea? Tick ONEbox. (d) Look at Paul’s idea and Kenny’s statements. (i) Do you agree with Paul’s idea? Tick ONEbox. Agree Do notagree (ii) Explain your reasoning. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................Some gases smell.JoSolids are always hard.PaulABCDE4c 1 mark4d 1 mark

125Electricity(a) Shana builds the three circuits below. All the equipment works. The bulbs in the circuits are notlit up. Complete each sentence to explain why the bulb has notlit in each circuit. The bulb has notlit because ................. ................................................. ................................................. The bulb has notlit because ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. The bulb has notlit because ................................................. ................................................. .................................................5ai 1 mark5aii 1 mark5aiii 1 marklight bulbplastic spoonswitchcell(battery)the plastic spoon

13Total(b) Andy builds the circuit below. The bulbs dolight up. Draw a circuit diagram for Andy’s circuit in the space below. Use these symbols in your circuit diagram: (c) Andy wants to change his circuit so that thetwo bulbs are brighter. He can use any other equipment. SuggestTWOways Andy can make his twobulbs brighter. 1. ........................................................................................................... 2. ...........................................................................................................5cii 1 mark5ci 1 markcelllight bulbbulb cell5b 1 mark

14Mustard seeds(a) Evan investigates how temperature affects the germination of mustard seeds. Evan has three dishes. He puts some paper towel and 40 mustard seeds in each dish. He puts one dish in a fridge, one dish in a dark shed and the last dish in a cupboard. He waters the seeds regularly. DescribeTWOthings Evan should keep the same to make sure his test is fair. 1. ............................................................................................................ 2. ............................................................................................................6ai 1 mark6aii 1 markdishmustard seedpaper towel6

15Total6b 1 mark6c 1 markTr u eFalse Can’t tellTemperature of placeNumber of germinated seeds Place cold cool warm fridge dark shed cupboardday 1 day 2 day 30 0 00 12 250 24 39 (b) Evan counts the number of germinated seeds in the dishes each day. How many germinated seeds did Evan count in the dark shed on day 2? ..................................................... seeds (c) Evan concludes: ‘My results show that the cupboard was the best place for mustard seeds to germinate.’ Explain how the evidence in the table supports Evan’s conclusion. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. (d) Use the table of results above to answer this question. Tick ONEbox after eachsentence to show if, in Evan’s investigation, it is true,falseor you can’t tell. Evan’s investigation shows that the temperature affected... the length of the stem. the germination of the seeds. the colour of the seeds.6d 1 mark

167Separating materials(a) Hannah mixes sand and water together. The mixture can be separated using the equipment below. What name is given to this method of separating? ............................................................................................................... (b) Explain why sand can be separated from water using this method. ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................7a 1 mark7b 1 markbeakerpaperfunnelsand and water mixture

17Total................................ ................................(c) Hannah wants to separate some different mixtures. Complete the table below to show how Hannah could separate each mixture quickly. Mixture sugar and water flour and rice steel nails and brass screwsMethod of separatingHow is the mixture separated? The water evaporates. The sugar is left in the dish. The flour ....................................... ........................................................ The rice ......................................... ........................................................ The steel nails .............................. ........................................................ The brass screws .......................... ........................................................7cib 1 mark7ciib 1 mark7cia 1 mark7ciia 1 markevaporationsugar and water flour and rice steel nails and brass screws....................................................................... .......................................

188The Earth and light(a) Kate and Ashur are finding out about the Earth, Sun and Moon. They decide to investigate how shadows change at different times of the day. Kate measures the length of Ashur’s shadow. They repeat their test at two other times of the day. DrawTHREElines to match each time of day to the correct length of shadow.110cm70cm11am12 noon5pm280cmTime of day Length of shadow8a 1 mark

19Total8b 1 mark8di 1 mark8dii 1 mark8c 1 mark(b) Tick ONEbox to show why shadows change length during the day. The Sun orbits the Earth. The Earth orbits the Sun. The Earth spins on its axis. (c) The Moon does not give out light of its own. It reflects light from the Sun. Tick ONEbox to show which sentence below is evidence that the Moon does not give out its own light. The Moon is nearer to the Earth than the Sun. The Moon cannot be seen on cloudy days. The position of the Moon in the sky changes. (d) DrawTWOarrows on the diagram below to show the direction the light travels so that a person on the Earth can see the Moon.Moon Sun EarthThe Moon is a sphere but appears to change shape during the month.The Sun goes up in the day and down at night.

© Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) 2005 QCA key stage 2 team, 83 Piccadilly, London W1J 8QA Order refs: QCA/05/1367 (pupil pack) QCA/05/1360 (mark schemes pack)264794