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[PDF] SAT Mathematics Level 2 Practice Test 06.pdf | Plain Text

실전 8 1 1. If ߚ ි ஻ ஽௄фி, what is the value ஻ ౱಴? (A) 27.42 (B) 22.51 (C) 17.31 (D) 12.32 (E) 10.57 2. What power of 11 is equal to 3? (A) 0.23 (B) 0.28 (C) 0.30 (D) 0.38 (E) 0.46 3. l1 and l2 are linear functions, l1: ߛ ි −߄ߚ + Ͻ, l2: ߛ ි ஻ ౛ߚ+ Ϲ. (b is positive integer). Which of the following statements is true? (A) l1 and l2 are perpendicular. (B) l1 and l2 are parallel. (C) l1 and l2 have a lot of intersection points. (D) l1 and l2 have the same y-intercept. (E) l1 and l2 are symmetric to the y-axis. 4. Which of the following is a vertical asymptote of ߈(ߚ)ි ౱௄௃ ஽౱௄ாɱ (A) –9 (B) − ா ஽ (C) 0 (D) ஻ ஽ (E) ா ஽ 5. If ċėě ߚ ි ϸɪЀϺ , then ěčċ ߚ= (A) 0.57 (B) 0.75 (C) 1.22 (D) 1.53 (E) 1.75

실전 8 2 6. The mean of the annual salaries of the seven workers at company A is 42,824, and the median of them is 46,200. The annual salaries of the eight workers at company B are each 44,000. Which one of the following statements is true? (A) The annual salary of the company A worker who gets the highest salary is the higher than the mean of the annual salaries of the eight company B workers. (B) The annual salary of the company A worker who gets the lowest salary is the equal than the mean of the annual salaries of the eight company B workers. (C) As median gets larger, mean always gets larger. (D) The mean and the median of B company are different. (E) The mean of the salaries of the company A workers who get higher than 46,200 is always lower than the mean of the annual salaries of the eight company B workers. 7. What is the domain of the function ߈(ߚ)ි Ĕėď ౱௅஻(ߚ஼− Ϻߚ− ϻ)ɱ (A) ߚ > ϻ (B) Ϲ< ߚ < ϻ (C) ߚ ϻ ėĚ ߚ

실전 8 3 9. If A and B are different points in a plane, then the set of all points in this plane the difference of whose distances from A and B is constant is (A) Parabola (B) Circle (C) Ellipse (D) Hyperbola (E) Line 10. If point A(2,6) and the midpoint of ީު is (–1,3), then coordinates of point B are (A) (஻ ஼ɧ௃ ஼) (B) (1, ஻ ஼) (C) (–2,0) (D) (–4,0) (E) (− ௃ ஼ɧϹ) 11. If 10 3t = 1,000,000, then t = (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 12. The 15 th term of 1,2,4,7,11,… is (A) 101 (B) 106 (C) 111 (D) 117 (E) 121

실전 8 4 13. 200 students take the pre -calculus class. As n homeworks are added, 2 n students drop the class and 30% of the rest students can get A grade. Which of the following is true? (A) Added homeworks cannot be more than 50. (B) As more homeworks are added, more students can get A grade. (C) If 10 homeworks are added, 54 students can get A grade. (D) If 50 homeworks are added, 40 students can get A grade. (E) If there is no homework, 80 students can get A grade. 14. If ߉(ߚ)ි ϼߚɧ߈(ߚ)ි Ϲϸ ɧߊ(ߚ)ි ౱௄ூ ஼ , then ߊ(߈෱߉(Ϻ)෵)ි (A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10 (E) 11 15. If хީުޫ and хެޭޮ are similar, then ĜĉĖ ީɱ (A) ா ஽ (B) 2 (C) ஼ ஽ (D) 1 (E) ஻ ஼ 16. The population of a certain microbe triples in size in 17 minutes. If 6 microbes are in a fish bowl, how long does it take to reach 1000? (A) 17~34 minutes (B) 34~51 minutes (C) 51~68 minutes (D) 68~85 minutes (E) 85~102 minutes D E F C 3 A B C 2 4

실전 8 5 17. If ߈(ߚ)ි фϺߚ஼+ Ϲ, then slope of the linear function which passes (1, ߈(Ϲ)) and (2, ߈(Ϻ)) is (A) 0.85 (B) 1.27 (C) 1.77 (D) –1.27 (E) –1.77 18. What does (Ϻċėě ࡦɧěđĖ ࡦ) represent? (A) Line (B) Circle (C) Parabola (D) Ellipse (E) Hyperbola 19. If x is a multiple of 3, which of the following is a multiple of 7? (A) 19 x (B) 21 x (C) 23 x (D) 25 x (E) 26 x 20. Which of the following has the same root with the x coordinate of the intersection point of ߛ ි Ϻߚ+ Ϲ ĉĖČ ߛ ි ߚ஼+ ߚ+ Ϲɱ (A) ߚ஼− Ϻߚ− ϻි ϸ (B) ߚ஼− ϻߚ+ Ϻි ϸ (C) ߚ஽− Ϻߚ஼+ ߚ ි ϸ (D) ߚ஽+ Ϻߚ஼− ϻߚ ි ϸ (E) ߚ஽− ϻߚ஼+ ϻߚ− Ϲි ϸ 21. In a class students go on a picnic. 6 students want to go to a river. 16 students want to go to a mountain, and the rest does not mind. The s tudents who do not mind are 56 % of the total. How many studen ts are there in total? (A) 43 (B) 50 (C) 56 (D) 62 (E) 70

실전 8 6 22. In the figure, ޷ީ ි ϼɧ٧ީ޷ު ි ϻϿ º. The coordiantes of point A are? (A) (ϼċėě ϻϿϗ ɧϼěđĖ ϻϿϗ ) (B) (ϼěđĖ Ͻϻ ϗɧ−ϼċėě ϻϿϗ ) (C) (−ϼċėě ϻϿϗ ɧϼěđĖ ϻϿϗ ) (D) (ϼċėě ϻϿϗ ɧ−ϼěđĖ ϻϿϗ ) (E) (ϼěđĖ ϻϿϗ ɧ−ϼěđĖ Ͻϻϗ ) 23. What value doe ߈(ߚ)ි ஻஺౱௄஼ ி౱௄஽ approach as x gets infinitely large? (A) − ஽ ி (B) − ி ஽ (C) 2 (D) ஻ ி (E) − ஻ ி 24. Which of the following statement is true? I. ߈(ߚ)ි ߚ஽− ϻߚ஼+ Ϲ II. ߈(ߚ)ි ߚா− Ͼߚ஼− Ѐߚ+ Ϲϻ III. ߈(ߚ)ි −ߚ஽+ ϻߚ஼− ϼߚ+ ϻ (A) The graph of I and the graph of II have one solution in common. (B) The graph of III had three x-intercepts (C) The graph of II has three x- intercepts (D) The graph of II is always above the graph of III. (E) The graph of III satisfies “If a ߈(߄)”. 25. If ϻ஼౱ි ЀϹ ౱௅஼, which of the following statement is true? (A) It has the same root with ߚ஼− Ϻߚ+ Ϲි ϸ (B) x is 0 ≤ x ≤ 3. (C) It has the same root with Ĕėď ஼ߚ ි Ϻɪ (D) It has the same root with the x- coordinate of the intersection point of y=x+ 1 and y=2x +3 (E) It does not have solution o 4 I ࡦ B A

실전 8 7 26. If ߈෱߉(ߚ)෵ි Ͻߚ+ Ϻ and ߉(ߚ)ි Ѐߚ, then ߈(ߚ)ි (A) ி ூߚ+ Ϻ (B) ூ ிߚ+ Ϻ (C) ி ூߚ− Ϻ (D) Ѐߚ− Ϻ (E) Ͻߚ− Ϻ 27. What is the center of the circle ߚ஼− Ѐߚ+ ߛ஼+ Ϻߛ ි Ͽɱ (A) (1,4) (B) (2,4) (C) (–2,2) (D) (4, –1) (E) (–4,1) 28. If ߈(ߚ)ි Ϻߚ+ ϻ, then ߈௅஻(ߚ)ි (A) Ϻߚ− ஽ ஼ (B) ஼ ஽ߚ− ϻ (C) ϻߚ− Ϻ (D) − ஻ ஼ߚ+ ϻ (E) ஻ ஼ߚ− ஽ ஼ 29. What is the period of ߛ ි Ϻċėě (ϼߚ− Ϲ)+ ϻɱ (A) ಝ ா (B) ಝ ஼ (C) π (D) ஽ ஼࡮ (E) 2π

실전 8 8 30. The root of ߚ஼− (Ϻ+ Ͻ)ߚ+ (Ϻ× Ͻ)ි ϸɱ (A) x =5 (B) x = 2, 3 (C) x = 2,5 (D) x =2 (E) x =1,10 31. Which of the following is ߈(ߚ)> ϸɱ I. ϺěđĖ ஼ߚ+ Ϲ II. ߚீ− Ͻߚ஽+ ϻ III. Ϻ౱+ ஻ ஼ (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) I,II (E) I,III 32. The percentage of right answers for Andy, Jane, and Tom are each ஼ ஽ɧ஻ ஽ɧ஻ ஼. What is the probability of only two people getting the right answers when three people solve a same question? (A) ஻ ூ (B) ஻ ௃ (C) ஼ ௃ (D) ு ஻ூ (E) ா ௃

실전 8 9 33. If ߛ ි ߃ߚ஼+ ߄ߚ + ߅, then graph which satisfies ߄஼− ϼ߃߅ > ϸ is x y (C) x y (D) x y (A) x y (B) (E) x y

실전 8 10 34. In a rectangular prism, diagonal is фϿϽ and height is 2. Which of the following can be the longest side? (A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 11 (E) 12 35. ěčċ ߚ ි ߖ, ϸ≤ ߚ ≤ ಝ ஼, ĜĉĖ ߚ ි (A) фϹ− ߖ஼ (B) фϹ+ ߖ஼ (C) ஻ ф஻௅౭಴ (D) ஻ ф஻௄౭಴ (E) фߖ஼− Ϲ 36. If a1=1, an+1 = 3an, then an =? (A) 3n+1 (B) (஻ ஽) ౧௅஻ (C) 3n–1 (D) 3n (E) (஻ ஽)n

실전 8 11 37. The graph of yි ߈(ߚ) is represented in the figure. Which of the following is the graph of ߉(ߚ)ි ஻ ౟(౱)ɱ x y (C) x y (D) x y (A) x y (B) (E) x y y x y=f(x)

실전 8 12 38. 1,1,2,2,3,3 are written on a dice, and 1,2,3,4,5,6 are written on the other dice. What is the probability that the sum of the two dice is an even number? (A) ஻ ௃ (B) ஻ ூ (C) ஻ ா (D) ஻ ஽ (E) ஻ ஼ 39. If a point has rectangular coordinates ( –1,1), then what are its polar coordinates? (A) (фϺɧ− ಝ ா) (B) (фϺɧி ா࡮) (C) (фϺɧ஽ ா࡮) (D) (−фϺɧ࡮ʆϼ) (E) (−фϺɧ஽ ா࡮) 40. ஼ ౫ි ஽ ౬ි ி ౯ි ஻ ౤ and ߔɧߕɧߘɧߍ are positive integers. Which of the following is the largest? (A) ౫ ஽ (B) ౬ ஽ (C) ౯ ஽ (D) ౬௄౯ ீ (E) ౫௄౬ ஻஺

실전 8 13 41. In a room, all students shook hands with each other only once. Twenty -one handshakes were exchanged. How many students were in the room? (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 (E) 9 42. When registering on a internet site, you can use ߃ɧ߄ɧ߅ and digit 0~9. How many diff erent IDs can be used when registering? (A) Ϲϻ ஻஽ (B) 13! (C) ஻஽ ஻஼ (Ϲϻ ஻஽ − Ϲ) (D) ஽ɮ ஽ɮ஻஺ɮ (E) Ϲϻ (Ϲϻ ஻஼ − Ϲ) 43. Which of the following lines is(are) asymptote(s) of the graph of ߈(ߚ)ි ி෱౱಴௅஻෵ ౱಴௅௃ ? I. ߚ ි ±ϻ II. ߚ ි Ͻ III. ߛ ි Ͻ (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) I, II (E) I, III 44. If W is a complex number shown in the figure, w hich of the following could be iW? (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E x y W B A D E 0 C

실전 8 14 45. If −Ϲ< ߚ < Ϻ, the minimum of ߈(ߚ)ි ߚி− Ͽߚ+ ϻ is (A) –3.09 (B) –3.97 (C) –4.81 (D) –5.11 (E) –5.35 46. In хީުޫ in the Figure, ީު =3, ުޫ =7, and ޫީ =5, what is the angle of ٧ީ ි (A) 95º (B) 110º (C) 120º (D) 135º (E) 150º 47. The bag contains three green balls, six black balls, and one white ball. If two balls are drawn without replacement, what is the probability of drawing a green and then a black ball? (A) ஽ ஻஺ (B) ஻ ஻஺ (C) ஽ ு (D) ஻ ி (E) ஻ ஽ 48. ߈(ߚ)ි ϽɪϹϿ ߚ஽+ ϻɪϿϹ ߚ஼+ ϺɪϹЁ ߚ− Ϲϻ ɪϽϽ . What is the coefficient of ߚ஼ of ߈(ϻߚ)? (A) 6.57 (B) 11.13 (C) 19.71 (D) 33.39 (E) 41.27 3 C B A 5 7

실전 8 15 49. What is the surface area of the figure? (A) 112.27 (B) 123.53 (C) 133.51 (D) 169.65 (E) 175.43 50. The probability of Jane getting all the right answer is 0.7 and the probability of Tom missing all the answer is 0.8. What is the probability of at least one person getting the right answer? (A) 0.06 (B) 0.44 (C) 0.56 (D) 0.76 (E) 0.86

실전 8 16

실전 8 17 1. a 36. c 2. e 37. a 3. a 38. e 4. b 39. c 5. c 40. c 6. a 41. c 7. a 42. c 8. b 43. e 9. d 44. e 10. d 45. a 11. b 46. c 12. b 47. d 13. c 48. d 14. c 49. d 15. a 50. d 16. d 17. b 18. d 19. b 20. c 21. b 22. d 23. c 24. e 25. c 26. a 27. d 28. e 29. b 30. c 31. e 32. d 33. d 34. 35. e