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9 year 2010 Use 2B or HB pencil only © ACARA, on behalf of \bhe Minis\berial Council for Educa\bion, Early Childhood Developmen\b and You\bh Affairs, 2010. 0:45 Time available for s\buden\bs \bo comple\be \bes\b: 45 minu\bes SeSSION 1 n AT ion Al A ssEss ME nT p Rog RAM li TERACY A nD n UMERACY La NGU aG e CONV eNTIONS

2 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_lc9_2411 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS \bra CTICe QUeSTIONS \b1 The spelling mista\.ke in this sentenc\.e has been circled. Write the correct spelling for th\.e circled word in the bo\b. Our class realy enjoyed the\. concert. p1 \b2 This sentence has \.one word that is incorrect. Write the correct spelling of the\. word in the bo\b. The crowd was astounded b\.y the skill of the artest. p2 \b3 Which word correctly completes th\.e sentence? My friends asked me\. was the best playe\.r in the team. that who what whom \b4 A comma ( , ) has been left out\. of this sentence. \. Where does the missing\. comma go? Early in the day, before the crowd arrived we enjo\.yed the peaceful si\.lence. \b5 Read the te\bt Vin’s party. Some words and punctuation\. have been left out\.. Which words and punctuation\. correctly complete the\. sentence? Vin’s party “James cannot come \.to my said. party, Vin party. Vin party,” Vin party” Vin Shade one bubble.

3 nap10_lc9_2411© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS The spelling mistakes\G in these sentences ha\Gve been circled. Write the correct spe\Glling for each circled word in the box. 1 Please do not di\.sterb the baby wh\.ile she is sleeping. 1 2 The atendence \.at the football mat\.ch was 5000. 2 3 They agreed in principal\. to the proposal. 3 4 The enviroment needs to b\.e protected for the future. 4 5 Geoffrey recieved his e\bam \.results by email. 5 6 Our school libar\.y has plenty of n\.ew books. 6 7 The rain put an en\.d to the drout . 7 8 Mia loved shopping\. for bargins at the mark\.ets. 8 9 The caterpillar was\. camaflaged aga\.inst the leaf. 9 10 Some modern plasti\.cs are biodigradible \. . 10

4 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_lc9_2411 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS read Pacific rat. The spelling mistakes\G have been circled. Write the correct spe\Glling for each circled word in the box. Pacific rat 11 The Pacific rat o\.rigenated in Sou\.theast Asia. 11 12 It was accidentally\. or delibrately \. introduced to the islands of the \.Pacific by human mi\.gration. 12 13 The rat acompane\.ed early Polynes\.ian immigrants to ever\.y major archipelago in the Pacific. 13 14 The species is o\.mniverus , consuming a diet \.of insects, spiders, worms, fruit, seeds and roots. 14 15 The rat is blamed \.for the e\btinctsh\.un of some Pacific island birds and insects. 15 each sentence has one word that is incorrect\G. Write the correct spe\Glling of the word in the box. 16 The friends enjoyed\. the e\bcitement of \.the transcontenental t\.rain journey. 16 17 The clothing lable\. warned that the sy\.nthetic fabric was highly fl\.ammable. 17 18 The gard gave the police \.an accurate descri\.ption of the situation. 18

5 nap10_lc9_2411© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS read Film editing. each sentence has one word that is incorrect\G. Write the correct spe\Glling of the word in the box. Film editing 19 The competent and \.skilful editing of \.a film is important to its a\.udience appeal and\. comercial success. 19 20 The process of professional editing \.involves choosing shots to \.fasilatate the best\. progression of scenes. 20 21 A wipe is selected w\.here there is a noticable and sometimes cont\.rasting change bet\.ween successive shots. 21 22 Where there are similarities bet\.ween two shots, gradually dissolvi\.ng one shot into a\.nother works very effectavly. 22 23 The most commonly \.used editing devic\.e is the cut shot, which provides an instanta\.nious transition between \.scenes. 23 each sentence has one word that is incorrect\G. Write the correct spe\Glling of the word in the box. 24 She had no quarant\.ine items to decla\.ir at the inspection checkpo\.int. 24 25 People crowded through the narrow aile between the rows of chairs. 25 26 The athletes were soaked with persp\.eration after the marathon. 26

6 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_lc9_2411 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS 27 Which is the correct beginning for t\.his sentence? Jayne studied har\.d, she still found Ja\.panese difficult. Since Despite Although In spite of 28 Which sentence says\. who was responsible for the \.new rule? The grass is protected from students walking\. across it. Students have been\. prohibited from walking across the grass. A new rule was introduced that prohibits students wa\.lking across the grass. The gardener introduced a new rule that prohibits students wa\.lking across the grass. 29 Which group of words from this sentence r\.efers to time? Despite heated opp\.osition to the proposal and lukewarm\. support for the alternative, a vote was called \.on the matter near\. the end of the ann\.ual meeting. Despite heated opp\.osition to the proposal lukewarm support fo\.r the alternative a vote was called o\.n the matter near the end of the\. annual meeting 30 Which sentence corr\.ectly uses italics\.? The Macquarie Dictionary calls i\.tself Australia’s national diction\.ary. On 15 April 1912, the Titanic hit an iceb\.erg and sank almost \.three hours later. The students studi\.ed William Golding’s Lor\b of the Flies in their English \.class. The old Parliament House has been retained as a museum of Australian Democracy. Shade one bubble.

7 nap10_lc9_2411© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS 31 Who is said to be r\.esponsible for what\. happened at the s\.tadium in this sentence? The Police Commiss\.ioner was quoted in\. the Sy\bney Morning Heral\b\l newspaper article by Loraine\. Mitchell as sayin\.g that the stadium\. had been left in a\. mess after the post-matc\.h antics by suppor\.ters celebrating t\.he victory of the l\.ocal football team in th\.e grand final. the Police Commiss\.ioner Loraine Mitchell supporters the local football \.team 32 A stroke or slash (/) ha\.s been used in the\.se sentences. Which sentence corr\.ectly uses the str\.oke or slash? Newspapers are usually only pri\.nted in black/white\.. It is useful to ant\.icipate how he/she \.is likely to react. The Hawke/Keating/L\.abor Government flo\.ated the dollar. The storm swept in \.from the south/east \.bringing widespread rain. 33 Which is the correct order of the four mis\.sing words? The team has a great international \.reputation. strong African long-distan\.ce running African running long-distan\.ce strong long-distance African strong running running strong long-distance \.African 34 Which word is missing from the second sent\.ence? The party invitati\.ons failed to arriv\.e. , the evening was a \.success because we phoned e\.veryone to let the\.m know. While Whereas However Although Shade one bubble.

8 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_lc9_2411 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS 35 Which sentence corr\.ectly uses bracket\.s ( )? Dr Williams claims the\. project (is the cleve\.rest solution) to t\.he problem soil erosion and salinity\. that she has cons\.idered. Dr Williams claims the\. project is the cleve\.rest solution (to th\.e problem) soil erosion and salinity\. that she has cons\.idered. Dr Williams claims the\. project is the cleve\.rest solution to th\.e problem (soil erosion and salinity\.) that she has con\.sidered. Dr Williams claims the\. project is the cleve\.rest solution to th\.e problem soil erosion and salinity\. that (she has) con\.sidered. 36 Which sentence is c\.orrect? Neither sheep and \.cattle were found on the farm\.. Neither a letter b\.ut a fa\b was able to\. get through. Neither the studen\.ts or the teachers\. were at the school. Neither the team n\.or the fans were happy with the result. 37 Which pair of words correctly completes th\.is sentence? The dog stopped ch\.asing tail and ran into\. kennel. its its it’s its its it’s it’s it’s 38 What punctuation is\. missing from the end of this \.sentence? Is it not ironic, given the current preoccupation with gl\.obal warming and Australia’s position as the wor\.ld’s leading coal e\bpo\.rter, that more is not being don\.e in this country to reduce our dependen\.cy on carbon fuels \. full stop ( . ) question mark ( ? )\. ellipsis points ( …\. ) e\bclamation mark ( !\. ) Shade one bubble.

9 nap10_lc9_2411© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS 39 An apostrophe ( ’ ) has been left out\. of this sentence. \. Where does the missing\. apostrophe go? Tamara’s parents coin collecti\.ons are kept in special \.cases in bank vaul\.ts. read Australian animals \kat risk. Some words and punctuation\G have been left out. Which words and punctuation\G correctly complete each sentence? Australian animals \gat risk As polar regions of the world 40 media is increasingly full of stories outlining the impact of globa\.l warming. A 2009 Australian report by Dr Tammie Matson e\bamined the impact\. of climate change \.on ten of the 41 species. “Australia has the \.worst record of mammal conserv\.ation in the 42 . 43 to be a little bit\. embarrassed about\., actually,” she added. 40 melt the melt, the melt; the melt – the 41 worlds most appeali\.ng worlds most-appeali\.ng worlds’ most appealing world’s most appealing 42 world Dr Matson, said world” Dr Matson said world”, Dr Matson said world,” Dr Matson said 43 “Thats something “Thats, something “Thats’ something “That’s something Shade one bubble.

10 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_lc9_2411 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS 44 Which is the correct way to combine \.the following sente\.nces into one? Vin went to work. Vin went to a shop. \.Vin went to the socc\.er game. Vin went to work, shopping and the \.soccer game. Vin went working, to a shop and the\. soccer game. Vin went to work, to a shop and to \.the soccer game. Vin went working, to shopping and t\.o the soccer game. 45 Which words correctly complete thi\.s sentence? What about going to\. the football match\. instead of the con\.cert , ? whether it will be \.as interesting however, it will not be as \.interesting in any case it will\. not be as interesting even though it will\. not be as interesting 46 Which group of underlined words can be left out \.of this sentence? Australia controlled the game in the first half ; New Zealand controlled the game in the second half. 47 Which sentence corr\.ectly uses square brackets [ and ]\. to show an inserti\.on by an editor that clarifi\.es meaning. Joseph said, “Ken and I worked on\. it [the assignmen\.t] for several week\.s, but after it was ma\.rked, Ken claimed that \.he did most of the \.work.” Joseph said, “Ken [and I] worked \.on it for several w\.eeks, but after it was marked, Ken claimed that \.he did most of the \.work.” Joseph said, “[Ken and] I worked \.on it for several w\.eeks, but after it was marked, Ken claimed that \.he did most of the \.work.” Joseph said, “Ken and I worked on\. it for several wee\.ks, but after it was marked, Ken claimed that \.he did [most of] th\.e work.” Shade one bubble.

11 nap10_lc9_2411© MCEECDYA 2010 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS 48 Which sentence is c\.orrectly punctuated? To get the latest u\.pdates for weather, surf conditions an\.d UV readings phone 123 \.456. To get the latest u\.pdates, for weather, surf conditions an\.d UV readings phone 123 456. To get the latest u\.pdates for weather, surf conditions an\.d UV readings, phone 123 456. To get the latest u\.pdates for weather, surf conditions an\.d UV readings phone, 123 456. 49 Which sentence uses\. conjunctions corr\.ectly? The friends agreed, after a brief disc\.ussion, not only to visit\. the zoo and the aquarium. You must not only c\.hoose between the o\.ptions and also ch\.oose quickly or you will lose the c\.hance. The field was affected not only by \.the heavy overnigh\.t downpour but also\. by the recent football matc\.hes. Of the alternatives\., not only was the fi\.rst option impract\.ical but since the\. second option was i\.mpossible. 50 Which words are all adverbs? distantly, loudly, sweetly, harshly falling, swimming, running, walking therefore, whenever, because, however glamorous, important, widespread, une\bpected 51 Which word correctly completes th\.is sentence? Crude oil, which plastics are made, is always in high \.demand in industrialised soc\.ieties. from to on by Shade one bubble.

12 © MCEECDYA 2010nap10_lc9_2411 YEAR 9 LaNGUaGe CONVeNTIONS 52 Which words correctly complete thi\.s sentence? We went to the game \.early . even though we can \.afford it although it was inc\.onvenient even if we decide t\.o go elsewhere though there was nothing else \.to do 53 Which of the followi\.ng words have quotation \.marks (‘ and ’) to tell the reader not to take them l\.iterally? Garry ‘Charles’ Peterson is a man\. with a strong will. Newbook Gallery say\. they are ‘giving away’ bestsellers for on\.ly $20. The biographer des\.cribed the subject\. as ‘an eccentric, harmless old man’. Great movies such as\. ‘Star Wars’ often appeal to pe\.ople of all generat\.ions. 54 Some sentences bel\.ow include a cause \.and effect. Which sentence cont\.ains only an effect? This is due to the\. popularity of lapt\.ops. The traffic on the h\.ighway was congeste\.d. Owing to the high d\.emand, supplies sold out\.. On account of the p\.oor service, people walked out.\. STO\b – eND OF TeST Shade one bubble.