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[PDF] 2009 Key Stage 2 Year 6 - English Reading Test Levels 3-5 Answer Booklet.pdf | Plain Text

LEVEL S 3–5 En KEYSTA GE 2 2\b\b9 Engl ishtest Readi ngansw erbook let Nop\bace\bikehome First name ______________________________________________ Last name ______________________________________________ School ______________________________________________ Formarker’sus eonly Page \b arks 5 7 9 11 13 TO TAL No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 1

3 Inst ru cti ons M ark s The number undereachboxatthe side ofthe page tells you themaximum n um ber ofmarks for eac hquest ion. Please waituntilyou aretold to start work onpage 4.You should work throughthe book letuntilyou areasked tosto p,referring to yo ur rea din g book let and leaflet whenyouneedto. When aquestion includesapage reference, you shoul drefer tothe text onthat page tohelp youwith your answer. Youwi ll h ave 45minutes toansw erthe ques tions inthis book let. Qu esti ons and Answers Youhave nowhad 15 minut es to read Nopla ce like home and The Earths hipleaflet.In this booklet, there arediff erent types ofques tion foryou toanswer indiffer ent ways. Thespace for your answer shows youwhat type ofwriting isneeded.  shor tan sw ers Som equest ions arefollowed byashort lineorbox. Thi sshow sthat youneed onlywrite aword orphr ase inyour answer.  severa lline ans wers Som equest ions arefollowed byafew lines. Thisgives youspace towrite morewor dsorasent ence ortwo.  longe rans wers Som equest ions arefollowed byalarge box. Thisshow sthat alonger, more detailed answerisneeded to explain your opinion. Youcanwrite infull sentences ifyou want to.  ot he rans wers For som equest ionsyou need donowriting atall and youshould tick, draw lines to, or put aring around youranswer .Read the inst ructions car efully sothat you know howtoanswer thequest ion. Noplace likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 3

4 These ques tions areabout The Hotte stDa y(p age s3–7). SE CT ION 1 Cho ose thebest word orgroup ofwor dsto fit the pass age and put aring around yourchoice. 1.On morning, Norm anleft home. Hewent to live inatree house in 2. He had lefthom ebecause 3. Ove rthe next fewdays, hereceived letter sfrom people thatheknew, starting with letter sfrom 4. A letter came fromhisfri end Alfred, asking himforhis 5. He even gotalet ter from thelocal newspaper telling himthat 6. Al together ,he stayed inhis tree house for 7. Theseque stions areab out the ‘DearNorman’ letters (pages 4–9). M ond ay Tuesda y Wedn esda y Thu rsday the loca l park . hisfront gar den. h is ba ck ga rden . the scho ol pla ygrou nd. Be th had m ov ed into hisroom. hi sparen ts hadsen t him awa y. hi spar en ts we rean noy ing him . he had been expe lled fr o m sch ool. 1 1mark 2 1mark 3 1mark 4 1 mark 5 1mark 6 1mark 7 1mark be droo m. bicy cle . Ga me boy . tooth bru sh. a wh ole day . about th re eda ys. ov er a wee k. th esu mmer ho lida ys. hisfami ly. hi sfri end s. histe ache rs. his gran dparen ts. hi spi ct ur e wa son the front page . heshoul dre ad Th e\barkvi lle Gaze tte. the ywou ld l ike to in terv ie w him. he had wo na co mp etition . Noplace likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 4

5 DearNorman plea se turn ove r He reare some ofthe people whowroteto Nor man. Use these names to answ erthe quest ionsonthis page. 8. Whowrote toNorman using the most form alstyle ofwriting? 9. Whoadmir edNor man mostfor Findandcopy onephrase that what he had done? showsthis. 1\b.Wh ose letter doyou thi nk was most likely toannoy Norman? Expl ainwhy, referring to the letter inyour answer . Total 11 marks 8 1mark 9 1mark 1\b \bmarks Da d Mum B eth M rs Bou quet Gra ndma Alfr ed No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 5

6 DearNorman 11. Whatdo you think Norman wrotein reply to Alf re d’ s lett eron page 7? 12.Beth’s lett ers show achange inher attit ude to No rm an . a) Find and copy aword orphrase fr om bothof Bet h’s lett ers that best show herchange in att itude. (first lett er, page 5) (secondletter, page 9) b) Why doyou think her attitude towardsNor man changed? 11 \bmarks 12a 1mark 12b \bmarks No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 6

7please turn ove r 13 .In his second letter(page 7), Nor man’s fathershowed Normanhow much mo ney hewas missi ngout on. Whydid hedothat? 14a.Ho wdo we know thatNorman actually answered theletters hereceive d? 14b.Wh ydo we not need tosee anyofNorman’ sreplies to the lettershe re cei ved? Total 9m arks Dear Norman 13 \bmarks 14a 1mark 14b 1mark No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 7

8 DearNorman 15a. Theidea ofachi ldlivi ng in atree isquit ehumor ous. Expla inwh atelse is funny about Norman’ ssituat ion. 15b.Some ofthe language in the letters isalso intended tobe humor ous. Expla inwh atisunus ual abou tM um callin gbees swe etand jolly onpage 4. 16.Whydo you think Norman finallycame downfrom thetr ee? Expl ainfully ,usi ng the text inyour answer . 15a \bmarks 15b 1mark 16 3marks No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 8

Theseque stions ar eabout TheEarthsh ipleafl et. 9plea se turn ove r 17 .Ho wmany tyres have to be thrown away everyyear? 18.Wh ich ofthese materi als ar eused to build Earthships? Tickthree. br icks concrete old wood tyre s cement old bot tles 19 .Fillin the tableto show howtheEarthship providesthefollowing. On ehas been donefor you. We need : Howthe Earth shi p pro vides it: li ght and elect ricity heat duringday protect ion from cold atnight The walls relea seheat intotherooms. wat er disposal ofwast e SEC TION \b Total 10 marks 17 1mark 18 1mark 19 \bmarks No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 9

1\b TheEarthshi p 2\b. Labe leach arrow toshow differentparts ofthe leaflet. A–quot ation B–inf ormati on C–capt ion 21. The writer could havesaidthat the Ear thship ischeap to run, butinstead hewrote dirtche ap. Why doyou think he chose thesewords? 22. \bEa rthshi p’ismade upoftwowords: earthand ship. Why arethese twowords used forthis new type ofhouse? earth shi p 2\b 1mark 21 \bmarks 22a \bmarks 22b 1mark No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 10

11please turn ove r 23. How hasthewriter proved thatEarthships costvery little to run? 24. Thi s leaf letgives inform ation about theEarthship. How does italso advert ise the Earthship? Findtwopoints. 1. 2. 25. On the front ofthe leaf lettwo quotations areincluded from people who like the Earthshi p. Now turnover andusethe information onthe plan towrite your own comment about the Eart hship foruse inthe leaflet. Your comm entaboutthe Eart hship TheEar thship Total 1\b marks 23 \bmarks 24 \bmarks 25 \bmarks No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 11

12 TheEarthshi p 26. How does theplan ofthe Ear thship helpthe reader to under stand th e text? 27. Explainfully how Eart hshi phou ses can solve differ ent types of pro blems. 26 \bmarks 27 3marks No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 12

13 28.Th etext about theEart hship usesmainly pho tographs .T he Dear No rma ntext includ esdra win gs. Expl ainwhy these tw o dif ferent types ofillustr ation aresuitable for these di ffer ent types oftext . 29.He reare some description sof the texts youhave read. Tick toshow whetherthe descriptions areabout Dear Norma nor The Earthshi pleaf let .One hasbeen doneforyou. These qu estions are aboutbo th text s. De script ion Dear Norman TheEart hship inf ormat ive fi cti onal per suasi ve hum orous SEC TION 3  Thes equest ions areabout bothtex ts. Total 8m arks 28 \bmarks 29 1mark No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 13

14 [Blank] No place likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 14

15 [Blan k] Noplace likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 15

QCA/09/3 771(Pupil pa\bk) ©Qu alificat ions andCur riculum Authority 2009 QCA/09/3768(Mark s\bhem epa\bk) 289976 Noplace likehomeRAB09.qxp:Layout 118/11/08  10:17  Page 16