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[PDF] Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint - Math (1112) April 2014 Paper 1.pdf | Plain Text

I ffiffi'"$#ffi ffiffiffiffi Gambrildge &nsgrnadonaH Eram0nstlonE Csrnbrldg€ CheckPoint 3t CA${DIDATE NUMBER EI[, fII EEEilrrE IIATHEHA'nCS Ptmr 1 : CsnffiEbs aBB fBr on thq Quesfon Paps. '.AddtEonallvlEffilc Geometslcslhetnrnpntg ffi1A01 Agril Fltg t hour RFAP T}|E8E IHSTRIETIOIS FRST V{r1syqrrCentsa nurnbar,.*rii n$FFreti#,Ff@ihefllftbiftl-t'voi{i dttu Wdto h dark blue orbfiack Pen Yo.r mey uF sn HB pardl for g 05 Do snaph€, frap€riiui*j $a'.ot' , , 1 .. : DO SEOTWRITE IN ANV Ansurarallqusstura. ,,'. - ' - : -'': so cALctJt AToR ALLffi.' ' ' ' You Ehould slrsw dlyc*r worling in tha boldst. The ngnfur of marftg b glven In bracftEts fi et tha eod of eacfr quesilon or part quesdon. The tstat nurnber sf malka fDr this Papr ls 50. Thls documant conslsts of '15 printrad PEgeB and 1 blank page. C"qMBR.XDGEIoEfrBf ilD el Blam i nsrionr IB€ !lA*: V,- + v/ t4 05_11't2_01/8RP uclEs 2014 [T'urn

" .4817 !149Q2. i ffi ffiffiffiffi 2 t Ttre teorpernture at midnight on Tuesday was 3"C. At midnight sn w€dnesday trre ternperature is T degrees cokler. What is the tempenture at rnidnight on Wednesday? Tbe travel grsph shows &l's journey from home to his friend's house. ....... oc tll 160 180 kilomeues from hocne. I I t Dishace 0crn) from home 7S 25 off ttnae*ininr$e-sj efter teavrnS: [sme Coqplete these saitr* s€s. The distance Ed uaveb Ed stops fora rest sfrer Z0 minutes whem he ie Ahm€d scorEs 17 Earks out of 20 in a mathematics tesl Write his scsr:e as a pencenbge [2] d fl or Ibqr= ,{.'LP.$ 20t 4 lultotiNMilA % tll le

ffiffiffii$EH#n ffi ffiffi 4 Solve 13 -k = 7 ,C:LiiS Ztr i 4 lq 33 t= llI 5 (a) Workort 18.6x.7 (b) Work ffi t77 +2o , Gine your apsisrer as a mixed nunbsr' tu ' 1i;.:- --.i{*rr1iirii2.-.F..m...'.t.-.." [l] ,.-_......... [2] Lesna hsn sme count€lrs, she gives 20olq of thern to Archang'and rt$% of them to Mukti. Leena is leff,with 30 counters. How trany counters did I.€€[18 sbrtwith? ffi IItrlIrAlMil4

.461 7il4!O4 " I ffi ffiffi ffiffiffiffi I Triangle ?tr is draur on the grid. ffi minor liue (a) Reflect irlL.the trtfrl-br;fiae. (b) Rotatetriaagle f 90o andclochrise about the pointp. ttl tu L_S'*u*o,o il lt/0l/tuM/14 *i lf .

' 4€17i 1 4:iQ9 " lffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi S Hotly hss a fair [Z-g'ided sptnnEr. gach esctien is cs[our€d eith€r grteil' btue or red. One aoswer bas @"tlone:fo1Y,ou. . -'_.jts FFobability of a blue sectiou = Frobabiliry of ayellow section = Probability of a green section = f; *,,.r.*r ro,n ?@ ffi t2l '1 ctl i I | 2/{i t/A/Mi }4 {T'uno ove'o' il -4i

'4{t17r.t4$3 " EIffiiE 1 &ry I I I I I lzt T r r I i ffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiHffi I Danii inekes 8 &ower from 3 ideirticel cubes and 2 iclenticel cuboids. NOTTO SCALE Esch sube is 4.6qrn higb. The wbole tower is 29 cu higtr. ltr[ort onr the heighf of each cuboid. ;-' iljid-.-j{ii.iraiiiiii; IE A nile to find theCoo fifiiih .' , fur.d' is:,giv Muldply fhe msss iB Hlogramq K, hy 40 and ttuen add 35 Tick ({ tbe boxthat shows acsrrstfmcoulu K:?'+ 4T T:40 + 35K T:35 +40iK K: 40 + 357 tll fl*gu,,rr, 'u,o ll lZ0l/Arvlil4 nfi *=.2 la

i ffiffi"'ffiffiffiffiffiffiE* Et WcE* out I [.4 + I 3V Give your answer correct ta two decimal places. 12 llere is a eequence of numbers: 11, 15, 19, 23,,,. (a) Writc dsum the nort two terms in the seqqenc€. 1fu} F'ind the Eth t€'rm (c) Sorya says that 92 ie in tbe sequence. frlol I2l -Fi:.rsn.-i+... I ....--.-.......-... tl] n ItI,t I3'e :l a .i ]!jt.J J!.1t l2l tu ffi li l2l0llAJHIl4 5 [T'nrr* oven I fr,87J

' 46171 1466. I ffiffiffiffiHffi ffiffiffiffi 13 Chae draws a line CD, 14 (a) D (9,5) c (5,2) Point Cbss the co-ordinates (5,2). PointDbas &e co-oridinates (9, D, Foint Miu the Didpoint of the line CD. 'Wo* out the co-ordinafes of the poinr M. t21 hrttheee r@rigt siti" stajrdq i* @ t5lr smallest (h) tsxplab why dSO mugtbe bEtween 12 and 13 """"'ffi*; rrrrmoerrruirrrrrt....-....r.....F IU tll fl;*,.,r,,. n,,., J I l2/01/A/tv1f14 /sa

'.4617114*e I ffiffi ffiffiHffi l [5 A gchool hss X2fi hoya and fl{DS glrEo" A suwey of favoruitc colonn is canied oig in the whole sohoofl. Boye Yellow 2V/o Rd 2f/o Blue ze% Crfe€n 42o/o fzl nll qr' unus:orq Ii t SEi# | il?/0U,\/'i\{/14 nrl I t ur,4! ,19Y-,33- ,l ,-e- -i!

'4€l7t t4st0 " ffi ffiffi ffiffiffiffi !s 16 fut@aEe s€t of breske'b in euch calcularion !o rneke the agcwcr-correct. (a)4 + 9 x 6 4 =22 (h)24 + lZ 8 + Z = 4 IU TU 17 Coll€tte tavels to work by car. She it takes her to mornings. !|S her to bavel h ere Ouyr. The Journey U** to work {unghnEtes) Joumey Smes home (mlmutm) Median 38 Rgnge 42 (h) Use the median values from the tabte in part (a) to compare the times of Collette,s joumeys to @ fro'm wmk 9I7 6 6 5 42 5 6I EE742103035s67 97422141134788 6 6 5 4 2 5 0. 12 4 9 g -:6167,.:.:+;i {€y qlz = 42 4! = 43 121 /9, Lg*t ss?or1 | | lr0t/AiMll{ .."..............- tu

lffi ffiffihffi'-ffi ffiffiffiffi XB The diagE3n shows B ilrap drawn to a scale of i crfi to 2 krn. A lighthouse is at Point ^[. il , {a} A boat is 122 $we$of tttg lighth" qlrst:r Mark the position of the boat on the map. Label it E. {b) e is 21oo Mart ttre position of the ferry on the map. Iabel it f. &t trI t2l .fl:*.'','* ru,, 117 ffi llll/01/A,rM/I4

ffiffi ffiffi ffiffiffiffi [9 Wcrt oqit ramila hss a reg.h'g$!qr sheE &at mealrunes l 2 metres by 30 ce,Dtimetuee. 'q8i7114Si?' ,!

" 4€-171 14E'ili - it .3 iffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi . clt:s 2r|t.1 lqg 21 aa aa al aa 13l flT'uru *;T_j I ltTifillNNltt.4 ffiffia

ffiffiffiffi 22 Tlck (/) Bm fte cetqdationg wtroee vatue is tbe came ss t6 x 0. t 16+10 to*a t0 16x19 16 x l0-r 1.4Irf, cl { t( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I I I u u u T tU ke [U 24 Wdkout 2.56 x 4.8 .. [Jj,o,,* *'n i2l rtz/0llNwt4

{ ffiffi*'ffim ffiffiffiffi iig () Ll(:[.ts- zt)l-{ J.oj 25 The diagrarn nhcws a suaight line draw:r cn a grl'd- v '.1 ::i (a) Write dosm the gradient ofthe [ine. (b) Write down the eguation of tbe line. Give yorn ans$/er in the forrny : rmr * c lu y : --,.....r.,!,,...t.....s..-..-..-..,... [13 Jl r-r qfi ffi I t lZl1l!Aileti14 r! a