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[PDF] Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint - Math (1112) April 2013 Paper 1.pdf | Plain Text

lmlturuffiiltilililil|il UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIOGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINAIIONS CENTRE - I I candidri6s amrer on rhe oueslim Paper Additi.nar Mat Geoneniel instum6nls 1112t01 READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST W.ic you. Cenlre numb.r, €ndidale numbq and on all lhe mrk vou h.nd Wnia in blue or black p.n. You fiay u* a 3on p€ncil tor any dlagEns or gEphs Oo not e staDles, paporclips, hiqhlishisrs. glle or mredon ilid OO NOT WRITE ]N ANY AARCODES. NO CAI.CUIATOR ALLOWED, Youshouldsh .ll,qircrLliq in lhe b.oklet Th€ numbs ol mai€ is gi€n in brackars I lel tle €nd ot 4dt queslion or p.r'. q@lion' Th€ roEr number ol ro*s for rh's ooF s s0. \ 1 i1 12 Thb ddment comisls ol 15 pdnlEd paqes and 1 blank pagE J

Itluuil[]tilill|ilru P a ring around rll the nmbeB Lhat are *a.ily divisible by 9 (.) Conplete the table. I 35672 93 146 t98 2 Jmie has 60 counte6. He gives + orbk countes to sarn.nd J to sally How msy @utrtes do6 Janie have left? E.ik mal.s a pattem wilh tiles. He @@rds how nany tiles arc us€d for @h panem Nmber. la\ I 2 5 (0 I 8 l5 22 50 Irl t2l (b) Erik finds a rute connecting lh€ paltem number and the number ofliles Put a dng around the cor@l rule t2l I!l t=6p-l

4 TIle diagnm shows a fair spimn wi t8 tltilllliltt 3 a numbd on it, sme ofwhicb de showt. . The otrly nunb€r! on lhe spinre. de I, 4 and 5. . The prcbatility ofthe spinnq landing on . section .mbered witl . The spinnd is eqully likely to land otr an odd numb€r aE it i€ to land 6n an cven ntrmber. Cohplet€ the nmb€dng o! the spinrer. 121 & tt - -::l

ilnmililil 5 write dom d'e value of Jile 6 (.) work our rhe val eof4 {b) Give a eeomelric rc0lon fo. you answe.. t1l NOT TO SCALE 9fll

I Iumililffirr 7 Work out th€ temp€tEtlrc whm (r) lhe tdpsatlrre is 5"C atrd i falls by I l"c, Irl 0l 'c (b) th€temleErurcis-2oclnditfallsby 8'c Martin h playing a game. The prcbabitity ofwinning h 0.3 Wtal is th6 probability of mt winning? trl Thr€e stn.l€nrs took a t€sr The rest wa out of 50 lMks, 72r/o who scor€d the highest? ................. sco'd rhe hiahesr I2l ffi r*'."s1

trmmilnll!t l0 Match ech eldlalion with irs eswq, 0.? t 1000 70, 0.1 ?0O + 0.01 1l This tatle shows the outcons Aoln $e ftnclion t-+ 2r+ 3 complete the outpur @lumn of the hble. I 5 6 9 t5 33 the following equ..ion. 45.6=r.2=3E infomation to rhlte dowtr ttb answe$ !o $e following. 7 70 700 7000 70 000 Il tll lZ Look at (.) 456: l2 (b) lE , 1.2 fll Ill (c) 3.8 1.2 Ill

nilililrilrr ? 13 A c{boid hrs dimdsions 2om x 3 om x 5cm. Part oftlE ftt ofthis cuboid is lhom on the crntimet€ squ.rE Conplele the net oflbe oboid. tll s n"^""g1

milmililtlllflfrilmruffill s 14 The tmvel gmph shows KaEn\joomey beb{d two townt' Spritrgton and Watwortl oT rrrrr rrrrrrr rii I r_ irson rooo lloo tzoo lroo l4oo 200 150 (k') 'nn 50 iime Gorge makes the samejoumey b€tw€en SPrington and watworth. He le;v€s Spdngton at 1000 and tiavels al a constant sPeed ofS0kmA without (r) Draw a line on lhe mvel goph to rcPreseit Georgei joumev (b) How much 6rlie. than Kard did Ceorge sive at Watworth? Irl ftl

mlllflltilil , r 15 Writ lhese NhbcB in order ofsi@ sbrtilg with the trI.llst. JE t: ,JA a.2z trI (r) 1.56 x 3.6 (t) 5.aa + 1.6 121 L2l E rr'^""c

illilllilll! 10 l? Ayako 3trd Joshua sharE 59 sweeb b€tw€en d$in Arrlo ha u sw@l!, r;h'D h'q 3 l.s sP€el5 than Aval() 'woik out the rslE oft. 1S Thc rlap shows tbe posiaiotr! of two berch6, 't and '' A boat is on a bsdng ofo62" Bom b€ach.4 ud on a b"dng of 2860 Aom b6t'h t' Mart ttE po€ition ofthe boat clearlv on $e lrap' t2l I2l

ll 19 DEftk wll€thsr €loh oftbcs€ slitem€trE it true or frlsa Tick (r') the con€ct boxs. 90: O n ! u n n (b) -11 mnililill; T tll t21 t21 @21 {x2l r"-*jl

llilIl1ffillI l2 2l Tbe nap shows 0n islud with two iorns, P and 0. The srle ofdlc nap is I cm : 4 km. I Thc firc departunt wanls !o build a new fiE statim on ih€ island. The fire stadod should be . no more ltsn 20 Lm tom loM P . no more lban 32 km fiom to1rn O Shsde lh€ rcgion oD lhe island wh@ lh€ fire slation 6uld be built. 22 Workout (.) 5+2t? l2l 0l (b) 4!(l+3'?) III

iltilmnmffi 23 H@ i! a ntrhber lirc. 432-\0123456 Tick ("/) which ofth* inequalities is shom on lbe nmb.. line. I T I tr lsr a5 -2

mililililil 14 24 Th€ slsD dd leafdiagirm shows lhe h€ights, in cr! oflhe 15 snrddte in class &{ ud the 15 srndentc in cla{c aB. Cl$s &{ 83 777 986 3l CLs 8B I 5 4 0 t4 t5 l6 t7 l8 6 0 I 0 2 27 13 58 key: 1416= l46cm ' Ill4 = I4lcm (r) f'trd E BngF of heights of the sn'dedB inclds EA. trl (b) Find the m€di{ ofrhe heights ofthe shrdmrs in clns 88. (c) Give two statemetrts to compfue thd'h€ighls oflhe snldents in th€ two classes. Ill t21

llll" 20 drints to sll at tte eh@l shop. ] f: 4TE til ut N5. iltililtil illl|lll Il iltilI 25 Ah Tlt How mnch should he sll eeh drink for? t3l